Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1403: completely chilling

Mrs. Chai wanted to close the door, but Tang Aijun stopped it, and opened the door with a bunch of force. The Tang family all entered, and the yard was even more desolate. It was like a waste collection station, and there was no place to stand.

"Who told you to come in, get out!" Mrs. Chai screamed, but no one paid her any attention, but called out Chai Boliang from the room.

Chai Boliang with a red face staggered out, his eyes were blurred, he was much fatter than before, and at first glance he was an alcoholic, and he was useless.

"Tang Laifeng, you still have the face, you poisonous woman... I killed you..."

Chai Boliang recognized his ex-wife and was furious. If it weren't for this poisonous woman, he would still be a decent man with an iron job, and his family would not have become what it is now. It was all caused by Tang Laifeng.

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Tang Laifu pushed the drunkard down with a slight push. After that, the two of them didn't get up again and lay on the ground yelling.

Tang Laifeng looked at this waste with disgust, and felt disgusted in her heart. How could she have spent more than ten years with such a waste?

She is too stupid.

Chai Yuxiang's expression became complicated, and her heart was equally disgusting. She whispered in Tang Xiaonan's ear, "It's a shame that I have such a father!"

"Then don't admit it, cousin, just be filial to your aunt and uncle."

"Well, I definitely don't care about him, why!"

Chai Yuxiang glared at her brother angrily, and made up her mind not to learn from her brother. She could be filial to her mother and Uncle Cai, as well as her grandparents and uncles, and she would never give a penny to the Chai family.

Tang Laifeng looked at her son coldly, and felt a little strange. She worked so hard for so many years, but she was making wedding dresses for the Chai family. She didn't regret raising her son, but she was very cold-hearted.

"Wen Hao, have you decided not to go back with me?"

"I...I...stay first, dad and grandma need me."

Chai Wenhao plucked up the courage to speak his mind. In fact, he wanted to come back a long time ago. Grandpa's health is getting worse and worse, grandma is getting older and father's health is not good, they all need him!

Tang Laifeng's heart was filled with panic, especially when she saw the smug look on Mrs. Chai's face, her heart hurt more than a knife.

"Okay, I won't stop you from doing your filial piety. You can live with your father in the future, but I still want to advise you that you still have to go to school, not in Yuecheng, but in Wucheng."

Tang Laifeng relented, she didn't want to compete with herself any more, to fulfill her son and herself.

"It's not your outsider's turn to take care of my grandson's affairs. You must have abused my grandson, and he has to come back!" Mrs. Chai's voice was sharp and arrogant. People are disgusting.


Chai Wenhao wanted to defend his mother, but no one abused him, but as soon as he opened his mouth, the old woman interrupted him, "Grandma knows that they must have abused you, and grandma will love you in the future."

The old woman was in tears and looked pitiful, and Chai Wenhao's heart softened. She couldn't bear to say something to irritate grandma, so she shut up.

Tang Laifeng's heart was even colder, and he was completely cold to this son.

"Wen Hao, do you also think me and your Uncle Cai abused you?"

"No, Mom, I didn't think that way." Chai Wenhao murmured.

Tang Laifeng sneered and stopped Tang Laijin, who was about to curse, and said to Chai Wenhao, "You are an adult now, and I have fulfilled all the legal obligations to support you. You can go the rest of the way by yourself. I will not interfere. Do it yourself!"

The unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, she is so fascinated and can't see the reality!

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