Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1422: Chai is gone

After breakfast, everyone had to leave. Those who went to work went to work, and those who returned to the city returned to the city. Tang Xiaonan, Chai Yuxiang, and Tang Ailing all took Huo Jinzhi's car, while the adults were sent to the city by Tang Laifu for a ride.

After driving for more than four hours, we finally arrived at Songcheng. Tang Xiaonan and the others arrived first, and Yang Lijuan and his wife were still behind.

"Aileen, you're home."

Tang Xiaonan got out of the car with her cousin in her arms, and Yuanbao jumped off, and ran a few laps in the yard excitedly. After a few drops, the four corners of the yard were marked, and then the joy was satisfied.

"It's not fun here, I want to go home."

Tang Ailing was unhappy when she got into the car. Seeing that there were no familiar chickens, ducks and geese in her new home, there were no vegetable fields and hillsides, and there were no familiar friends. The little girl was very aggrieved.

She doesn't want to live here at all. She wants to be with her grandfather and grandma, and she doesn't want to learn to dance. She likes to ride pigs, goose, fish, fish, loaches and fights. This new home doesn't have anything to do with it.

"When you get to know your new partner, it will be fun, my sister won't lie to you." Tang Xiaonan coaxed in a good voice, she had a headache, she was really not good at coaxing children.

Tang Ailing pouted and entered the room unhappy. She was a little excited when she saw the color TV, but she was still unhappy.

Tang Xiaonan didn't persuade him any more. The child will definitely be unhappy in a new place, and it will be fine in a few days.

Sure enough, after going to the kindergarten for a few days, Tang Ailing had a new partner and stopped talking about going back to Mopanshan. Tang Xiaonan and Chai Yuxiang also started school. They are now in the first year of high school and are still in the same class.

On this day, Tang Laijin came back from Wucheng and brought back news that the old man Chai had died, and Chai Wenhao also sent Tang Laifeng an obituary.

"Has the Chai family's house been sold?" Tang Xiaonan asked.

"How can the old woman agree, Chai Wenhao is stupider than a pig, let this old woman fool him." Tang Laijin sneered.

"Wen Hao, this child is really blinded by lard. A sister is so kind to him, but he spares no expense and wants to mix with the Chai family. There will be times when he regrets it." Yang Lijuan sighed.

"Regret has nothing to do with the Tang family. The road is his own choice. Whether it is a steep road or a flat road, he has to bear it himself. He can't blame others." Tang Laijin snorted coldly, and stopped mentioning this nasty thing.

Tang Xiaonan glanced at her cousin, Chai Yuxiang lowered her head to eat, her face was expressionless, but she was definitely not at peace, after all, she was her own brother, which was really annoying.

When she went to bed at night, Chai Yuxiang took the initiative to say, "I'm not angry anymore. My uncle is right. Whether it's good or bad is the way he chooses, and he can't blame anyone."

"He will definitely come to you and aunt in the future." Tang Xiaonan said affirmatively.

In the situation of the Chai family, Chai Wenhao couldn't have a good life at all, and the old lady Chai would not be reconciled, and she would definitely encourage her grandson to come back and ask for money. There is no end to this.

"I don't care if I look for it, anyway, I just don't have a brother."

Chai Yuxiang scolded aggressively, annoyed at the mention of this unsatisfactory brother, Tang Xiaonan changed the subject, and the sisters were happy again.

After school started, time passed very fast. Seeing that half a month had passed, Huo Jinzhi brought Tang Xiaonan back to Huo's house for dinner on weekends. Huo Xiu solemnly invited him, and Huo Jinzhi gave him a face by the way.

"How did your grandfather spend the Chinese New Year?" Tang Xiaonan asked.

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