Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1423: 1 more acquaintance

"I gave 100 yuan, and it's enough to save a little." Huo Jinzhi said lightly.

Tang Xiaonan's mouth twitched, one hundred yuan...

Ordinary people must be enough, but the Huo family's scumbags are definitely not enough.

"Your cousin cousin, they really went to move bricks?"

"You can't help them, you'll be hungry if you don't go."

Huo Jinzhi snorted coldly. Of course the three wastes didn't want to do it, but if they didn't do it, they would starve. They didn't even have access to water and electricity, so they could only go to work.

After chatting for a while on the road, Tang Xiaonan realized that Huo Xiu had driven the big family out to rent a house a year ago. He helped rent a small pavilion for two yuan a month, and it was just right for three wastes to live in.

The old man and the old lady still live with Huo Xiu, but Meng Lijuan has learned smart now, or she knows that the big house is not good, and this girl rarely goes home. She didn't want to come back to work, so the pampered old lady was forced to cook three meals a day herself.

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The cooking skills are barely passable, better than Meng Lijuan, but the old man Huo is still satisfied.

As for the old man Huo, this old scum still has a few hands. Relying on his ability to speak English and his knowledge of business, he started foreign trade, but the time was short and he didn't make a lot of money, but he was barely able to fill his stomach. .

The Huo family was quite festive, with lanterns hanging at the door, couplets and blessings posted, Meng Lijuan was there, and she brought back a boyfriend, who looked like a talent, according to her, she was a classmate from the same school.

The food was cooked by Mrs. Huo, and it was quite decent. It was much better than what Meng Lijuan cooked. Moreover, the old lady looked much better than before, and she had some flesh on her face, which made her look less scary.

There are also the three wastes, who look much better than before, especially Huo Jinzhi's brother in the lobby, the addict, who looks like a normal person now, with disheveled hair and untidy clothes. Uncle and Second uncle is the same.

Sure enough, people are cheap, easy to get sick lying down, still have to work.

"My name is Xu Xianghua, and I'm with Lijuan." The young man introduced himself generously.

Huo Xiu had a very good impression of this prospective son-in-law and greeted him warmly. He had already heard Meng Lijuan say that Xu Xianghua was a native of Songcheng, and there were several relatives in the family who worked in the real power departments of Songcheng, and they were all leading cadres. One hundred satisfied.

Tang Xiaonan felt that Xu Xianghua's eyes were always looking at her, and she couldn't help frowning. No wonder she would hook up with Meng Lijuan.

Huo Jinzhi also noticed it, lowered his face, looked over with a warning, Xu Xianghua smiled and said actively: "I was in high school in Yuecheng No. 1 Middle School, and I was in the same class with Tang Aiguo, you are Tang Aiguo My sister, I've seen you a few times."

Tang Xiaonan's expression was stunned, which was beyond her expectations. It turned out to be the second brother's classmate.

Having said that, she had a bit of an impression. This Xu Xianghua seemed to be a famous figure in the school. Once he went back to deliver food to his second brother, when he was passing by the basketball court, he heard someone calling his name. At that time, she glanced at it, as if It's this guy.

"Well, Tang Aiguo is my second brother."

Tang Xiaonan nodded, his expression still light.

"I heard that your second brother went to study in the United States? How is he now?" Xu Xianghua felt a little sour in his heart, thinking of that bright girl.

It's a pity that people don't care about him, and their heart is only on Tang Aiguo, the countryman.

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