Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1440: It's really Shen Yuzhu

Tang Xiaonan planned to meet Lamir first, so he asked Zhou Xinqun to arrange it. It happened that Lamir was going to visit Xinfei Factory the next day, and Tang Xiaonan was in charge of the reception.

Ramel is about fifty years old, with a fat head and big ears, and a strong physique. He looks like a brown bear. The perfume on his body is particularly strong. Tang Xiaonan gets itchy as soon as he gets close to his nose. .

Foreigners have a heavy body odor, so they like to spray perfume. This guy sprays so much perfume, his body odor must be very heavy, and Tang Xiaonan's first impression of Ramel is very bad. The look in this guy's eyes makes her particularly disgusting.

"Mr. Ramel, Xinfei is the first jewelry factory to export to Europe and the United States. The quality and style are guaranteed. You can rest assured."

Tang Xiaonan resisted the disgusting introduction, and regretted taking this list. Although Ramel acted like a gentleman, she still felt disgusted.

"Your English name is Xiaona?"

Ramel's accent is blunt, and his eyes are shining with dim light. He is not interested in business now, but is very interested in this girl who looks like a jade doll. Such a cute and beautiful girl makes him feel that the lost youth has come back, all over his body. full of power.

Tang Xiaonan frowned slightly and smiled politely: "My name is Tang Xiaonan, you can call me Xiaonan."

"Xiaona... What a nice name, Xiaona, can I invite you to lunch?" Ramel was still called Xiaona, and Tang Xiaonan didn't bother to correct it.

She didn't even want to have lunch with this guy, but entertaining customers is her basic professional quality. She couldn't refuse, so she asked, "Would you like to eat Western food or Chinese food?"

"It's still Western food, I'm not used to Chinese food." Ramel smiled.

Tang Xiaonan took him to the most high-end western restaurant in Wucheng. She also wanted to talk about business during dinner, but Ramel asked a lot of nonsense. Even if she didn't talk about business, she couldn't interrupt this guy. can handle it.

"Mr. Ramel, I didn't expect to meet you here, we are really destined!" A clear female voice came, which sounded familiar.

Tang Xiaonan seemed to have heard the alarm, her whole body collapsed, she raised her head suddenly, her pupils narrowed, and it really was her.

The heart that had been mentioned for several years suddenly fell to the ground.

Just come out.

Tang Xiaonan had a hunch that this time must be the last moment for her and Shen Yuzhu to fight to the death.

Either Shen Yuzhu died or she disappeared from this world.

That's right, the woman who greeted Ramir is Shen Yuzhu, who has been missing for several years. It seems that this woman is living a good life. She dresses very stylishly and can speak English. The age has been very rare.

Tang Xiaonan's mind flashed, thinking of the shredded radish that Zhou Xinqun said, could it be Shen Yuzhu?

It does sound like something this woman would do.

Shen Yuzhu also saw Tang Xiaonan, her smile narrowed slightly, and her eyes flashed coldly. She had been dormant for so many years and suffered so much, and today she was finally able to stand in front of Tang Xiaonan brightly.

From then on, only one of them could live.

She will make Tang Xiaonan disappear.

"Tang Xiaonan, long time no see!" Shen Yuzhu said slowly, smiling strangely.

"After so many years, Shen Yuzhu, you are still so annoying, no, it's getting more and more annoying." Tang Xiaonan said slowly, not at all planning to reminisce with this poisonous snake.

She and Shen Yuzhu are inseparable!

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