Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1441: tit for tat

Shen Yuzhu's face changed, his smile froze, and he didn't want to pretend any more. He said coldly, "Tang Xiaonan, you are as disgusting as ever."

"Since we are tired of seeing each other, you should take the initiative to stay away from me, don't lean over to me, OK?"

Tang Xiaonan snorted coldly, even Ramel felt the disgust in his eyes, showing a surprised look.

"Two beautiful ladies, what's the matter with you?" Ramel asked curiously.

He also has a good impression of Shen Yuzhu. Although she is not as beautiful as Tang Xiaonan, this Miss Ruth is generous and bright, and she is very attentive, which makes him feel very happy.

But he still likes Tang Xiaonan, the skin is like ancient oriental porcelain, which is so tempting to him.

"It's nothing, I just saw someone I hate." Tang Xiaonan replied without concealing it.

"Mr. Ramel, Miss Tang and I have a bit of a misunderstanding." Shen Yuzhu smiled softly, with a bit of grievance in his tone.

Over the years, she has met all kinds of men, and she knows very well what men like. She also knows how to show her charm. Since she started taking foreign trade orders, she has never missed a beat.

As long as the client is a man, she cannot escape from her palm.

Ramir believed it to be true, and said with a smile, "Just let the misunderstanding go away, why don't we have a meal together?"

Of course, he called the waiter and asked for another set. Shen Yuzhu's lips rose, and she couldn't hide her pride. She thought that Tang Xiaonan would definitely not dare to refuse, after all, Ramel was a big customer.

By the way, the app I've been using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] caches reading and reads it offline!

"Mr. Ramel, I just said that I met people I hate. You should understand what I mean. I won't eat with people I hate." Tang Xiaonan clearly refused, not polite at all.

Even if Ramel is a big client, she will not wrong herself.

Moreover, Shen Yuzhu is smart, thinking about Westerners with Chinese thinking, Chinese people love face, like to do superficial work, even if it is against life and death enemies, they can also smile and deal with them.

But Westerners are different.

Westerners are straight-forward in interpersonal communication. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. Just express it clearly, and others will not think you are rude.

This is the experience that she has been doing in foreign trade for so many years in her previous life, and she has come into contact with all kinds of Western customers. Nacho, especially a woman, must fully exercise the priority of a lady and must not wrong herself.

Shen Yuzhu was stunned, and soon became complacent. This Tang Xiaonan thought she was in Mopanshan, and she also acted petty in front of clients. Hmph, Ramir's temper is not easy to deal with, she has asked about it long ago.

This Tang Xiaonan put on airs in front of Ramir, and his brain was flooded.

Shen Yuzhu was refreshed, hoping that Ramel could scold Tang Xiaonan severely, and then she could ask Ramel to have a meal. She didn't mind having another lunch.


"I'm sorry, I was too abrupt, I'm sorry."

Ramel was not angry at all, and apologized sincerely. Shen Yuzhu blinked, his face full of disbelief.

How could this be?

Ramel's brain is flooded?

Shouldn't it be harshly scolded?

"It's nothing." Tang Xiaonan smiled, glanced at Shen Yuzhu who was stunned aside, and sneered secretly.

This **** must be disappointed, right?

Heh...be smart.

Do you think you can do foreign trade after learning a few words of English?

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