Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1442: dirty ideas

The waters of foreign trade are deep, Shen Yuzhu can temporarily stand out by relying on flesh and blood, but it is only a short-lived. After all, not all customers are good at that, most of them just want to make money.

Besides, as long as she earns a lot of money, what kind of beautiful woman can't sleep?

Shen Yuzhu's beauty is just a dozen or so on the road, and the attraction is just that little bit.

"Can you be thicker-skinned? Want to see us eat? Then you have to wait a while, and I will pack the rest for you."

Tang Xiaonan squinted her eyes and stood there stubbornly, looking at it, she lost her appetite.

Ramel didn't understand, but he could feel the smell of gunpowder between these two beautiful girls. He was very curious about what was going on between the two of them. Most likely, he fell in love with the same man, right?

really interesting.

Shen Yuzhu gritted his teeth, looked at Tang Xiaonan with hatred, and when he looked at Ramel, he smiled again, "Mr. Ramir, goodbye."

"Goodbye, Miss Ruth."

Ramel responded with a smile.

Shen Yuzhu turned around, his eyes became pimples, and stepped back to his table on high heels.

Although her appearance is not very good, she is tall and slender, she can dress up, and has an elegant temperament. In the 1980s, Huaxia was basically blue and black, and few women could wear makeup, and they were mainly dressed in simplicity.

Shen Yuzhu put on light makeup, kept black long straight, tied a light green hairband, wore a mid-length trench coat of the same color, paired with sky blue jeans, and milky white sheepskin high heels. It is not uncommon to dress like this in future generations. , but in the 1980s it was the top of fashion.

Even if he only has a three-point appearance, such a dress is still very good, not to mention that Shen Yuzhu is not bad, tall and tall, and has a fashionable dress for extra points. Take a look.

Shen Yuzhu was very proud of this, but she didn't show it at all, with a shallow smile, her back was straight, and she looked particularly elegant and dignified. Just looking at her beautiful appearance, how could she know that her heart was so dirty and vicious.

Tang Xiaonan frowned, where has Shen Yuzhu been all these years?

It seems that she is living a good life, at least she has received a higher education. Although her English is not very native, she can already speak fluently with foreigners, which is amazing.

Self-study must not be able to achieve such a level, someone should teach her, who would it be?

Tang Xiaonan was thinking about her thoughts and reluctantly coped with Ramel. This guy was very annoying to ask around, and he wanted her to be a tour guide.

"I heard that the scenery of Suzhou and Hangzhou is more beautiful than heaven. I have always wanted to see it. Can Xiaona take me to see it?" Ramel asked with a smile, his eyes twinkling.

He has asked for a long time. Hangcheng is not close to Wucheng. If he wants to have a good time for at least three days, he must live in Hangcheng. As long as he stays in a hotel, he can do whatever he wants.

Ramel never thought whether Tang Xiaonan would agree. He went to Huaxia a month ago. The people here are so enthusiastic, and everything is arranged thoughtfully. He can do whatever he wants, which is more enjoyable than the king.

Wine and beauty have everything, as long as he requests, no more than three days, he can enjoy it.

He is not short of beauties, but he has never been able to meet a beautiful woman who satisfies him, but God sent Tang Xiaonan.

Ramel likes this kind of petite girl with porcelain-white skin. Of course, she can't be too old. He likes young people. Tang Xiaonan's age is just right, which completely suits his taste.

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