Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1446: Big guy has 0 inside eyes

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Therefore, the old man of the Ai family does not allow the younger generation to marry and have children with foreigners. If Ai Jindong and Ellie are only in love, it will be fine, and they may marry mysteriously.

But this has nothing to do with her, the two things cannot be mixed.

One is housework, and the other is love.

Tang Xiaonan went back to Xinfei Factory and told about Ramir.

"Xiao Nan, are you okay? It's my fault, I shouldn't let you go, so what did the old man do to you, right?" Zhou Xinqun was shocked, and the cold sweat broke out.

If something happened to Tang Xiaonan, she would be ashamed to see Xu Jinfeng.

And she really likes Tang Xiaonan. It hurts as much as a daughter. Even if Ramel's order is very important to her company, she will not sacrifice Tang Xiaonan, let alone use such dirty methods.

too disgusting.

"It's okay, it's in the restaurant, don't tell my mother about this, lest she get angry."

Tang Xiaonan didn't want her family to know, and she wanted to solve it by herself.

Zhou Xinqun agreed, but she still felt scared, but fortunately nothing happened.

"Don't worry about this list, Xiaonan. Then you can do it with whoever the old man and the eight loves do. You can go back to school."

Zhou Xinqun intends to give up this business, and Lamir is not the only big customer in the world, she will find others.

"I won't return for the time being, I still have to get this order." Tang Xiaonan said firmly.

If there is no Shen Yuzhu, she doesn't care, but she will not let Shen Yuzhu succeed.

Zhou Xinqun was anxious, "Xiao Nan, you are obedient, you can't do stupid things."

"Don't worry, Auntie, I have a solution, and I will need your help."

Tang Xiaonan smiled, of course she didn't do stupid things, she just used some methods.

Cats have cat ways, and mice have rat ways. Naturally, there is no way to deal with a pervert like Ramir. She has to contact the boss first. The boss is very good at doing this kind of sinful thing.

"What do you want to do? You can't lose yourself." Zhou Xinqun was still worried.

"It's definitely not a loss, I still have to make a lot of money."

Tang Xiaonan smiled like a little fox. She also pointed to making money from Ramir and went to the imperial capital to buy a courtyard house.

This kind of disgusting foreign garbage is sent to her door for her to slaughter, and she will not slaughter it for nothing.

After thinking about the words, she left a message on Huo Jinzhi's pager and waited for him to call.

The year before last, Songcheng was the first in the country to set up a paging station, and Huo Jinzhi opened it the next year. He bought a pager, which cost more than 1,000 yuan and had few functions.

But it is still a lot more convenient, at least it is more convenient to find someone.

[Shanghai is a paging station founded in 1984. There are very few people who can afford pagers, but after a few years, more and more, pagers are slowly eliminated until the emergence of Big Brother.]

After only a few minutes, Huo Jinzhi's call came.

"You went to Wucheng?"

"Well~www.readwn.com~ I took an order for Aunt Zhou, are you busy now?"

"Wait a moment."

Huo Jinzhi went to the conference room and asked the deputy general manager to preside over the meeting. He was in a meeting just now.

Then go back to the office and continue to call, "Not busy, what's the matter?"

"Do you know who I met here? You definitely can't guess!" Tang Xiaonan said mysteriously, with a smug tone.

The boss is extremely smart, but unless he has clairvoyance, he will never guess it is Shen Yuzhu.

However, within a few seconds, Huo Jinzhi replied, "Shen Yuzhu?"

Tang Xiaonan opened her mouth wide and couldn't speak for a long time. Does the boss really have clairvoyance?

"You...how did you guess it? No, did someone tell you?" Tang Xiaonan didn't believe that this guy really had clairvoyance.

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