Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1447: Huo Jinzhi's anger

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The corners of Huo Jinzhi's lips rose, and his eyes were full of smiles, "No one said, I guess."

As soon as she heard this girl's tone, she knew that she was a very unexpected person. Apart from Shen Yuzhu, there was no other person to choose.

Tang Xiaonan flattened her mouth in frustration. It was really boring to talk to the boss, as if she was not wearing clothes, she could guess everything she wanted.

"What is Shen Yuzhu doing in Wucheng? Did she find you?" Huo Jinzhi asked, his eyes turning cold.

The viper finally appeared, and he had waited too long.

"She is also taking orders, and her name is quite famous, her name is Ruth, the customer that Aunt Zhou asked me to contact, Shen Yuzhu is also grabbing, she seems to be doing well, and can speak English, but not very well typical."

Tang Xiaonan said gruntingly, Huo Jinzhi's eyes became colder, it seemed that this poisonous snake had met a noble again.

He was really surprised, how could Shen Yuzhu's luck be so defiant, every time it came to life and death, there would be noble people to help, just like God's daughter.

But this time, Shen Yuzhu absolutely couldn't escape.

Before going abroad, he must get rid of this poisonous snake, so as not to leave a hidden danger to Tang Xiaopang.

Even if Shen Yuzhu didn't show up, he would find it.

He has been searching for Shen Yuzhu all these years, and he already has a lot of clues.

"You come back first, don't worry about Shen Yuzhu." Huo Jinzhi said.

"I have something to do, I told you not to be angry..."

Tang Xiaonan hesitated again and again, but still told about Ramel's perverted thing. There was a cracking sound from the microphone, which startled her.

"I scolded that old bastard, don't be angry."

"Not angry, something fell."

Huo Jinzhi's voice was calm, the pen in his hand had been broken in two, and the secretary who was about to come in to sign the document was shivering with fright.

"You come back first, leave this list alone."

"No, I won't let Shen Yuzhu take it away. Please give me an idea, how can I get over that Ramel?" Tang Xiaonan asked for advice.

"I'll come over tonight."

"Oh, if you're busy, you don't have to come here..." Tang Xiaonan was a little embarrassed, the boss is busy with all kinds of opportunities, and it's a waste of time to go to such a trivial matter for her.

"Not busy, wait for me."

Huo Jinzhi hung up the phone and threw the broken pen into the trash can. The secretary nervously handed over the document and then handed over the pen, feeling a little pain in his heart.

That pen is a Parker, more than a hundred dollars.

"I've been out these days~www.readwn.com~ I have something to ask Vice President Liao."

Huo Jinzhi quickly signed his name. Vice President Liao was the talent he invited to manage the company. He has been in the company for two years and has strong management skills. Usually, Huo Jinzhi is not very involved in the company's affairs. .

Before he gradually decentralizes and strives to go abroad, the company can operate even without him.

Five hours later, Huo Jinzhi drove to Wucheng. It was already dark, and thousands of lights were on the street. He went directly to Tang's house. Xu Jinfeng bought a house near the market and usually lived in Wucheng. rarely live.

Tang Xiaonan had already eaten dinner and was watching TV in the living room while Xu Jinfeng was washing the dishes. The doorbell rang, Tang Xiaonan flew over to open the door, and she saw Huo Jinzhi with a cold air.

"You didn't eat dinner, did you? Why are you in such a hurry? It's not a big deal. Mom, Brother Huo hasn't eaten yet!"

Tang Xiaonan rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction. The boss doesn't care about his body at all. The problem of not eating three meals on time is really a headache.

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