Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1472: be criticized

Seeing that Shen Yuzhu's face was pale and gray, Tang Xiaonan was satisfied.

Even if she is punished, she will destroy the prestige of this viper. Hmph, she has to tell all the immoral things she has done before. If it is changed, others may hide it. After all, it is not a glorious thing.

But Tang Xiaonan was not afraid.

Because she knew that even if she said it, those who loved her would still love her, such as her parents, such as Huo Jinzhi.

They wouldn't scold her for that.

As for other people's opinions, hmph, what's with her?

Shen Yuzhu snorted in pain, the white shirt was full of footprints, the buttons of the cashmere shirt were also torn off, the scalp was burning with pain, and the pain was everywhere, which made her extremely embarrassed.

On the first day of school, she was so ugly, and Tang Xiaonan, a dead girl, dared to stab the past, how dare this bitch, isn't she afraid of losing face?

The head teacher glared angrily, jumping at the temple, gritted his teeth and said, "Come to the office and call the parents!"

Chai Yuxiang pouted and didn't care too much. Anyway, her mother and Uncle Cai were not in Songcheng. My uncle and aunt were very good at talking.

The three followed the head teacher to the office, and the other students woke up like a dream, and they were fried for a while. The big things Tang Xiaonan said just now shocked them too much.

Poisoning, life and death vengeance, old girl, and sleeping with a man...

Which one is said is a big idea, but now they are all focused on the new classmate alone, they only care about whether it is true or false.

"Quiet, class is over!"

The math teacher was actually itchy. She just listened to her ears and heard only a few key words, but it was enough to arouse her curiosity, but as a teacher, she would not ask for gossip during class time, etc. After class, she went to the math class representative to ask if it was the teacher's duty to care about her classmates.

In the office, the head teacher looked at the three students in front of him with a headache. One of them was the top three students in his senior year, and he was the top student who focused on taking care of him. He had a headache. He said that he was afraid that it would affect Tang Xiaonan's study. It's too much.

"Tang Xiaonan, you are a good student that the teacher is optimistic about. The teacher has always used you as a role model, but your performance today is too disappointing for the teacher!" The head teacher said sadly.

"Teacher, I didn't make a learning mistake." Tang Xiaonan defended.

"A good student not only requires good grades~www.readwn.com~ but also has a good character. Is it a sign of a good student that you are fighting and making trouble now? You are also taking the initiative to fight, you are fat, right?"

The head teacher slapped the table with a slap, and his face sank. At this time, he was still stubborn, so he had to be forced to speak harshly, right?

The office is a collective office. There are about ten teachers, including a few Renke teachers in Tang Xiaonan's class. When they saw that the precious students were criticized, they immediately gathered around. When they heard the head teacher's words, several teachers all agreed. The face is astonishing.

Tang Xiaonan took the initiative to fight and cause trouble?

How can it be?

When the earth exploded, Tang Xiaonan wouldn't even fight. Such a well-behaved child must have misunderstood.

"What I saw with my own eyes was this Tang Xiaonan... The one who moved first, like a bandit, the new classmate did nothing, but the two sisters are better, two fights one, look at what the new classmate is like! "

The head teacher was angry and pointed at the embarrassed Shen Yuzhu. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that Tang Xiaonan did it first. This child is too deceptive.

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