Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1473: tragic past

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Several teachers looked at the immature Shen Yuzhu with sympathy. The head teacher never lied, so Tang Xiaonan should have done it first.

"Classmate Tang Xiaonan, why do you want to do it? Tell the truth, don't be afraid!" The English teacher said softly, she likes Tang Xiaonan the most, and the scales in her heart are still biased towards the proud students. She always feels that there must be a reason.

There is no love for no reason, and there is no hate for no reason.

Shen Yuzhu was angry for a while, and even the English teacher hated her. She was beaten so badly, and these **** teachers were still protecting Tang Xiaonan.

"The reason I said just now, Shen Yuzhu and I don't share the feud!" Tang Xiaonan said loudly.

Several teachers took a breath, sharing the sky... Isn't this too exaggerated?

The head teacher pressed his temples and said helplessly, "Tang Xiaonan, come to me to make up lessons tomorrow. Idioms are not used like this."

"I'm not wrong, it's just that we don't share the sky. You don't know what kind of person Shen Yuzhu is. She and I grew up in the same village. I know all the wicked things she did. She killed her biological parents and her grandmother. , my aunt, and even poisoned my uncle's family,

On the same night, I also poisoned my bacon. Fortunately, my dog ​​called the police, and she wrapped a wire around my dog's neck, causing him to not be able to eat for several days. I'm about to die, do you think me and this viper have a life-and-death feud? "

Tang Xiaonan said all her previous grievances and grievances. She couldn't make a conspiracy.

The teachers in the office all changed color, it was so sensational, they couldn't believe that such a vicious thing was done by the quiet girl in front of her.

But Tang Xiaonan doesn't need to lie, right?

And looking at Tang Xiaonan's appearance, she really hated her new classmates.

Several teachers couldn't help but feel vigilant in their hearts, even if Tang Xiaonan exaggerated a bit, but there is no wind and no waves, maybe Shen Yuzhu is really not what she showed.

"I didn't...Tang Xiaonan, you are talking nonsense. My mother died unexpectedly. I don't even know what you said about poisoning. My mother and grandmother sold me to a fool as a child bride. I managed to escape and then left the village. , teacher, I really haven't done these things..."

Shen Yuzhu was aggrieved and cried, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com also pulled up the sleeves, unintentionally or unintentionally, and there were a few hideous scars on his fair arms, which should be from a few years ago.

"My mother and grandmother valued sons over daughters and thought I was a loser. They didn't let me go to school. They had endless work every day, and sold me to fools. That family beat me every day. After I escaped, I ran into them again. Traffickers, sold me into the mountains, my aunt died to save me, it was indeed me who killed my aunt..."

Shen Yuzhu choked about her experience in the past few years, which was really tragic.

She was sold to a fool as a child bride, and she met a human trafficker, and then went to work in a black-hearted factory.

After that, he was sold to the mountains. There are endless work every day, but no matter how hard and tired, Shen Yuzhu still did not forget to study.

Shen Yuzhu has done all of these inspirational things, and worked harder than the ancients. When she said it, the teacher in the office couldn't help but red eyes, and the scales turned to her side again.

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