Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1512: is a square

The wild laughter stopped abruptly, Shen Yuzhu looked horrified, and screamed: "How did you know? Who told you? Who?"

This is the biggest secret in her heart, and no one knows this secret except her and her adoptive father.

How did Tang Xiaonan know?

Does anyone else know?

Shen Yuzhu was extremely flustered in her heart. The pride she had just now collapsed in an instant. She couldn't let people know about it. Lin Liming was not her end, but her springboard. She was going to marry and have children. She couldn't Stay by Lin Liming's side for a lifetime.

It only takes five years at most, she will be able to leave Lin Liming, she has planned long ago, and will never allow others to destroy.

Shen Yuzhu looked at Tang Xiaonan with eczema, and her eyes became more murderous. She originally wanted to slowly torture this little bitch. Once the psychological defense line collapsed, Tang Xiaonan would definitely be better off than death, and finally found her own way of death.

Now that she has changed her mind, she has to get rid of Tang Xiaonan as soon as possible, and she cannot let this little **** ruin her good deeds.

Seeing her crazy appearance, Tang Xiaonan was basically sure, as she guessed, Lin Liming was a psychopath, and Shen Yuzhu was just the man's ban.

And Shen Yuzhu used the third brother to coax her here, the purpose is to make her also become Lin Liming's ban.

The reason should be that Lin Liming became interested in her at the reception in Wucheng a few days ago, and she also noticed that that night. Maybe her appearance just matched Lin Liming's aesthetic.

After Shen Yuzhu found out, he wanted to use Lin Liming's hand to get rid of her mortal enemy. As the original heroine of this world, Shen Yuzhu must have realized that she was her mortal enemy, and the two could never coexist.

"If you don't want people to know you have to do nothing for yourself, do you think the scandals you've done are well concealed? Daydreaming, sooner or later, the scandal between you and Lin Liming will be exposed, maybe soon."

Tang Xiaonan's figure flashed and she flashed to the door of the bathroom. The door of the room was locked. She must not be able to escape. She simply hid in the bathroom, which should be able to delay for a while, waiting for Huo Jinzhi's people to come.

"I won't give you a chance to speak out, Tang Xiaonan, your time of death is up!"

Shen Yuzhu's face was hideous, and she rushed up like a madman. She was confident that she could subdue this little bitch. Lin Liming would be there at seven o'clock, and there was still an hour, and another hour would be enough.

Tang Xiaonan quickly unscrewed the door lock of the bathroom, ducked in, closed the door again, and locked it again. Then she leaned against the back of the door and breathed a long sigh of relief. Now it is safe.

But she was like a man on her back. In the dark, she felt that there was someone in the bathroom, and it was very close to her, right in front of her.

I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend, Tang Xiaonan felt that it was very likely Shen Yuzhu's subordinate, and suddenly despaired, she wouldn't jump into the wolf's den by herself, would she?

Tang Xiaonan gritted her teeth, picked up the pepper spray and was about to spray it. It was better to start first, but someone held her hand down, and there was a familiar voice in her ear, "It's me, Fang Yuan."

"Sister Fangyuan? Why are you here? Where is my third brother?"

Tang Xiaonan put down the chili water and turned on the light again. The sight in front of her made her mouth wide open. The missing third brother was lying in the bathtub and sleeping soundly. It seemed that he should be fine, but his body was soaked in the water.

Fang Yuan's clothes were also half wet. When she grew up, she was much more delicate than when she was a child. She had fair skin and a tall stature, at least 170. If she was dressed up, she would definitely be a beautiful woman.

But the girl had a serious expression, and the clothes she wore were conservative and orthodox. Her appearance was greatly reduced, and she looked older than her actual age.

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