Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1513: Sturdy future 3 sisters-in-law

"Are you all right?" Fang Yuan asked in a low voice, she also had a shower in her hand.

Tang Xiaonan glanced at the disassembled nozzle, then glanced at the slap print on the third brother's face, and gave a silent praise, the third brother's peach blossom is perfect, she must help take it down.

"It's okay, Sister Fangyuan, is there anything wrong with the third brother?"

"I didn't have time, I was beaten."

Fang Yuan said with a serious face.

When she came over, Tang Aijun was about to do that to a woman, because Tang Aijun had no idea what he was doing because of the medicine.

So she knocked Tang Aijun unconscious with one fist, then soaked in the bathtub full of water, and talked about life with the ugly woman whom Shen Yuzhu had found, and also popularized the knowledge of criminal law, the ugly woman would be frightened. Gotta go by myself.

When she was about to take Tang Aijun away, Tang Xiaonan and the others came, so she hid in the bathroom, and when she heard that it was Tang Xiaonan, Fangyuan dismantled the shower and planned to go out to save people, but Tang Xiaonan didn't need her to save her, so she hid in first.

Tang Xiaonan blinked and softened...

Is it what she thought?

Old cadres can actually drive?

Glancing at Tang Aijun, who was sleeping soundly in the bathtub, Tang Xiaonan was a little worried that her third brother would leave a psychological shadow, and she would not be able to stand up in the future.

The door was slammed hard, it was Shen Yuzhu.

"Tang Xiaonan, come out for me, if you can't escape, wait for me!"

"Come in if you can!" Tang Xiaonan shouted, but she didn't go out.

The door was quiet, and there was still the sound of the door opening. Shen Yuzhu guessed that he had gone out. Fang Yuan asked curiously, "This woman has a grudge against you?"

"Life and death, sister Fang Yuan, I will lure that woman away in a while. You take my third brother and leave quickly. The third brother is going to play a game next month, so there can be no accident." Tang Xiaonan said sternly.

Shen Yuzhu must have a helper, and the target is her, she can contain this poisonous woman, and can't let the third brother have an accident.

Fang Yuan frowned and his expression became more serious, "I won't leave you to face the danger alone, so let's take your third brother away, and I'll stay to contain the woman."

Tang Xiaonan opened her mouth to object, Fang Yuan stopped her, "I can fight better than you, and I am an adult, you are a child, so I should protect you, no need to say any more."

"Sister Fangyuan, this woman's target is me, it's useless for you to stay."

Tang Xiaonan was very moved. Although Fang Yuan was rigid and disciplined, her character was really good. She must help the third brother catch Fang Yuan and be her third sister-in-law.

"It's not up to her, don't be mad, you can go to the police after you go out." Fang Yuan couldn't refuse.

Tang Xiaonan couldn't beat her at all, but how to take the third brother away was a problem. With such a big man, she was still in a coma, how could she move on her back?

"I'll wake up your third brother."

Fang Yuan shoved the shower head into Tang Xiaonan's hand, walked to the bathtub, and suddenly slapped Tang Aijun several times. The crisp sound made Tang Xiaonan's heart skip a beat. The third sister-in-law in the future will be more sturdy than when she was a child.

"What bastard... hit... hit me..."

Tang Aijun screamed suddenly, and sat up, staring blankly at Fang Yuan, but soon fell asleep again, like a dead pig, no matter how much Fang Yuan beat him, he couldn't wake up.

Fang Yuan decisively changed his escape method and said to Tang Xiaonan, "I'll beat those people down and attack them!"

She snatched the shower head, and picked up the weight. It was too light to fight, but there was no other thing in the bathroom that could be called a hand, only this shower head.

"Three...Sister Fangyuan, you can use a belt."

Tang Xiaonan came up with an idea. Her third sister-in-law was wearing pants and should be wearing a belt. This thing is better than a shower.

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