Fang Yuan hesitated, then glanced at Tang Aijun who was still asleep, his expression became angry, he changed his mind, closed the door again, and asked Shen Yuzhu, "Why did you destroy Tang Aijun? What grudge does he have with you?"

If she hadn't arrived in time, Tang Aijun's career would probably have been ruined today, and Fang Yuan was still afraid.

Shen Yuzhu sneered and said, "I wish their brothers and sisters would die now. It's none of your business, but if you are unwilling to go to heaven, go to **** with these brothers and sisters!"

She suddenly took out a swarthy **** from her pocket, it looked very crude, it should be an old-fashioned hand snatch, but its lethality should not be underestimated.

Fang Yuan's brows furrowed even tighter, but he still said calmly: "Article 128 of the Criminal Law, the crime of illegal possession of firearms shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years. If you shoot, the sentence will be heavier, or even You will be sentenced to death, are you sure you want to know the law and break the law?"

"Don't say these big truths in front of me, what nonsense laws are just a protective umbrella for the rich, I'm not afraid, stand up for me, or I will kill you!"

Shen Yuzhu's expression became crazy, his fingers were on the trigger, and with a little force, the bullet would shoot into Fang Yuan's body.

Tang Xiaonan was covered in cold sweat, this woman was really crazy, she actually robbed her.

Fang Yuan obediently walked over to Tang Xiaonan, and stopped talking. The criminal is now mentally fluctuating too much. She can no longer speak to stimulate the criminal, and has to wait for the time to subdue the criminal.

She will not allow criminals to harm the child in front of her. This woman has violated her bottom line, and she will never let it go today.

"Are you afraid? Tang Xiaonan, stand here!"

Shen Yuzhu was very proud. She got this robbery four years ago. At that time, she was with a fugitive. The man killed a lot of people and was a wanted criminal. She didn't know Lin Liming at that time. Hanging around, I got to know this man and got together soon.

The man treats her very well. He is the best person to her so far. He spends money generously on her. He also teaches her how to avoid the police's tracking. She flees with the man and sees the man kill a lot of people with her own eyes, but she is indifferent, anyway. It wasn't her who died.

It's just that the happy days are always too short. She was with the man for only half a year, and the man was arrested by the police. On the day of the accident, the man noticed it, robbed her of it, and gave her a lot of money to let her Go to the mountain village to hide for a few days.

She went to the mountain village, but she was unlucky and ran into bad guys again. She was occupied by a pair of bachelor brothers in the village. Everyday life was worse than death. After more than half a year, Lin Liming appeared. Under her intentional approach, Lin Liming took her away.

Thinking of those painful past events, Shen Yuzhu's expression became even crazier. It was all the Tang family's harm, and she must take revenge tonight.

"Tang Xiaonan, are you deaf? Come here!"

Shen Yuzhu shook and grabbed, her voice was savage, Tang Xiaonan gritted her teeth and slowly walked towards Shen Yuzhu, her legs were limp, it was the first time in her two lifetimes that she was pointed at by grabbing, she was really scared , the legs are frightened.

Fang Yuan squeezed her hand and reassured her not to be afraid. Tang Xiaonan became more courageous, and she was getting closer and closer to Shen Yuzhu. She had a crazy idea. She wanted to save Fang Yuan and the third brother. threat.

As soon as this thought came up, it spread like water plants, which removed the fear in her heart. Now Tang Xiaonan only wanted to save people. She quickly had an idea. When she was approaching Shen Yuzhu, she stumbled on purpose.

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