Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1516: success uniform

"What the **** are you doing, don't force me to rob!" Shen Yuzhu scolded.

"There was water on the ground and I slid down."

Shen Yuzhu's eyes flashed to the ground, and there was nothing. Only then did he know that Tang Xiaonan had slapped him, and his anger suddenly rushed up. He raised his head and was about to scold.

Fang Yuan responded quickly, took a step forward and grabbed the wooden warehouse, flexibly unloaded the bullet, and at first glance, he was a veteran.

Tang Xiaonan breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't have to be afraid if she didn't grab it. At this time, she didn't want to take revenge. She took out a chili water bottle and sprayed it on Shen Yuzhu's face. Choking to death all the time.

"Ah...my eyes..."

Shen Yuzhu covered her face and screamed in pain, her eyes were sore and hot, Tang Xiaonan sprayed a few more times, Shen Yuzhu was completely unable to resist, she grabbed the shower and pumped hard.

Fang Yuan wanted to stop her, but after hesitating, she didn't say a word.

Although he couldn't open his eyes, his limbs were sound, his body was unharmed, and he still had the ability to injure, so the crime had not ended, and Tang Xiaonan's resistance was still a legitimate defense.

Fang Yuan persuaded himself like this, but there was another voice in his heart——

"This woman killed Tang Aijun, and she deserves to die for her crime. What's the matter of hitting her a few times? She should hit her harder!"

Fang Yuan gritted her teeth and pulled a few belts at Shen Yuzhu. She was strong, and the damage caused by the belt was much more powerful than that of the shower. After a few strokes, a few blood marks appeared on Shen Yuzhu's white dress.

"My adoptive father will come right away, Tang Xiaonan... Stop it... You can't die!"

Shen Yuzhu screamed in pain, her eyes couldn't see, she could only be beaten passively, and she hated it. She has now figured out that the variable of the plan is Fang Yuan, and this hateful woman has destroyed her original plan.

Now not only has he failed to destroy Tang Xiaonan, but his adoptive father will come after a while. If he is not satisfied, he will definitely take anger at her. Thinking of Lin Liming's means of punishing people, Shen Yuzhu's heart is agitated, and his body hurts even more.

Tang Xiaonan hit a few more times, not wanting to collide with Lin Liming, she winked at Fangyuan~www.readwn.com~ Fangyuan nodded, and slapped Shen Yuzhu on the back of the neck.

Shen Yuzhu fainted on the ground, Fangyuan dragged the wet Tang Aijun out of the bathtub, Tang Xiaonan wanted to step forward to help, but Fangyuan moved faster and easily carried her third brother on his shoulders, like a sack, and walked away In the front, he held her hand.

Carrying a burly man on his shoulders and holding another in his hand, Fang Yuan is still like no one, his face is unchanged, and he walks in a windy way, as expected of a girl who can subdue her third brother.

"I'll take your third brother to the hospital, you go to the police, and we'll act separately."

While waiting for the elevator, Fang Yuan told Tang Xiaonan that she was worried that those medicines would have a bad effect on Tang Aijun's body, and this matter must be reported to the national team. If the medicine contains banned substances, the entire basketball team will be affected, so it must be reported in the morning. .

Tang Xiaonan nodded vigorously, Fang Yuan gave people a particularly reassuring feeling, as if this girl would never panic, no matter what happened, she would always be so calm and rational, just like Huo Jinzhi gave her the same feeling.

When entering the elevator, Fang Yuan was advanced and Tang Xiaonan was behind. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw a familiar figure, which seemed to be Yu Duoduo. She couldn't help but wonder, how could Yu Duoduo appear here?

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