Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1517: thoughtful

But now the third brother is more important. Tang Xiaonan didn't stop, got off the elevator with Fangyuan, and reached the lobby. Seeing the guests coming in and out, Tang Xiaonan and Fangyuan were relieved, and they were finally safe.

A few men in a hurry just came out of the elevator. Seeing Tang Xiaonan's eyes lit up, he breathed a sigh of relief. They finally found the boss's apex treasure. If something happened to Tang Xiaonan today, they wouldn't be able to eat and walk away.

"Miss Tang, Mr. Huo asked us to come!" said the leading man.

"You guys came just right, take my brother to the hospital first."

Tang Xiaonan had seen this man several times, and it was indeed Huo Jinzhi's subordinate, so he felt relieved. The man wanted to take Tang Aijun, but Fang Yuan refused, "It's okay, have you driven?"

She was worried about handing Tang Aijun to someone else, but she was more at ease with her own, she could bear the weight.

"Open, outside."

The man looked at Tang Xiaonan, Huo Jinzhi was not there, he had to listen to Tang Xiaonan, this is the future boss lady.

"Go to the hospital."

Tang Xiaonan walked while talking, the most important thing now is the third brother, I hope it will not affect the competition next month, and she has to ask clearly, how did the third brother get recruited?

"Wait a minute, call Coach Liu first."

Before getting into the car, Fang Yuan found a public phone booth on the side of the road. First, he had to report the incident to Coach Liu, and then listen to Coach Liu's arrangement for which hospital to go to. The media should not know what happened today, and he had to be careful.

Tang Xiaonan patted her forehead angrily, but fortunately Fang Yuan was there, she almost had a bad thing.

If the third brother was casually taken to the hospital for treatment, he would definitely not be able to hide it. If it was reported by reporters, the third brother's game next month might be cancelled. Not good.

Thinking of the possible series of bad consequences, Tang Xiaonan's back was sweating coldly, and her hatred for Shen Yuzhu was even deeper. This time, she would never let this woman escape again.

Fang Yuan got on the phone and briefly explained what happened to Coach Liu before hanging up.

"Go to Shaw Hospital, Coach Liu has contacted there." Fang Yuan said back.

Tang Xiaonan nodded and said gratefully, "Sister Fangyuan, thank you, I... I didn't even think about being so thorough."

Fang Yuan twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, his smile so faint that the naked eye couldn't see it, "You are still young, it's normal for you to not think well. It's amazing that you can be like this at your age."

She said very factually~www.readwn.com~ Just now Tang Xiaonan's cousin was very unexpected. She was only fourteen years old and she was able to go to danger for her brother alone, and she had made perfect preparations. It was really amazing.

Most of the other fourteen-year-old girls would only cry when they encounter such a thing. Tang Xiaonan was considered a beauty.

Tang Xiaonan flattened her mouth in annoyance, and she still felt uncomfortable. She has lived two lives, so she is still so useless. Sure enough, even if the waste material is reborn, it is still waste wood.

Even if you are reborn 18 times, it is useless, your IQ is there, and your brain capacity will not increase due to rebirth.

Fang Yuan glanced at Tang Aijun, who was sleeping on the seat, and hesitated for a while before saying, "Your third brother is my friend, and I should do things for my friend, so I don't need to thank you."

After a while, Tang Xiaonan realized that Fang Yuan said this because she was thankful. Does this mean that Fang Yuan also likes her third brother a little bit?

It looks like there is a play!

"Sister Fangyuan, my third brother said he was with you today, why did he go to the Peace Hotel?" Tang Xiaonan asked.

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