Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1519: Fang Yuan's sad past

Tang Xiaonan has always wanted to ask, Fang Yuan is a self-disciplined person, and she will definitely not lose her trust in what she said. Back then, this girl promised herself, but she broke her trust in the end. I think something must have happened.

Fang Yuan's expression darkened, as if he was caught in a memory, and he didn't speak for a long time.

"Something happened to me at that time."

Fang Yuan's voice was very soft and a little erratic. Her eyes were also looking ahead, as if she was looking at someone, but there was only a white wall in front of her, and there was nothing.

Tang Xiaonan felt so regretful that she wanted to bite her tongue, Fang Yuan had always been calm and self-reliant, but now she is so melancholy and dejected, thinking that it was not a pleasant thing back then.

"I am sorry…"

Tang Xiaonan didn't know how to comfort her, and looked apologetic.

Fang Yuan smiled slightly, "It's nothing to do with you, it was my grandfather who had an accident. The house was in chaos at the time, but it's all right now."

"It's good in the past, and it will get better and better in the future." Tang Xiaonan comforted.

Fang Yuan nodded, his cold expression softened, and he said softly, "My grandfather is in heaven now, he must be doing well."

Tang Xiaonan... I really want to knock off my tongue, which pot can't be lifted without opening it.

Listening to this tone, it seems that the death of Grandpa Fang is not normal. It should have happened in the year that Yuanbao's accident happened. In this way, Grandpa Fang Yuan is at most fifty or sixty years old. Either sick or accidental, it is impossible to die of old age.

But she didn't ask much about this kind of thing. It could be seen that Fang Yuan and her grandfather had a deep relationship, and she couldn't put salt on other people's wounds.

Fang Yuan didn't seem to be in a good mood. She sat alone thinking about things, while Tang Xiaonan sat quietly and didn't disturb her.

In fact, Fang Yuan thought of her grandfather, her most beloved grandfather, who was also an upright and excellent judge.

But there was an accident that year, and there were still three days left for the reunion year. My grandfather was stabbed seven times when he went shopping for New Year's goods. He was stabbed seven times. When I rushed to the hospital after receiving the news, I only had time to see my grandfather one last time.

Grandpa is only 62 years old, UU reading www. uukanshu.com's body is also very tough. If it wasn't for the murder, my grandfather would definitely be alive now, and he would call her Yuanyuan.

The murderer was the son of the deceased in a murder case that grandfather tried before he retired. After the grandfather was killed, Fang Yuan learned about the case. Her aunt was a judge and her uncle was the captain of the criminal police, so she was able to mobilize the case file, which records the case in detail. cause and process.

The deceased was a bully in the village. He acted indiscriminately in the village and bullied the weak. Just like the emperor, the villagers dared not speak out. The murderer was always honest and loyal, and he was very popular in the village.

The reason for the trouble was because of the construction of the house. The deceased's eldest son got married and wanted to build a new house, and his homestead was not big enough, so the deceased took his own initiative and expanded it to the neighbor's homestead. The neighbor was the murderer, so naturally he didn't want to.

So the two families quarreled about this. From the beginning of the year to the end of the year, the murderer's wife was also an honest woman. She had no other way, so she lay on the homestead of the deceased's house and forced each other to die. Instead, she was beaten to death by the deceased's family. , and finally failed to prevent the deceased from building a house on his homestead.

The deceased's family had always been used to being domineering in the village, and they were naturally unhappy when they suddenly resisted.

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