Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1520: no hindrance

It is a common occurrence to throw feces at the door of the house. If you are in a bad mood, you will go to the murderer's house to beat people. After the house is built, the murderer's family will live in dire straits. .

The fuse that caused the murderer, an honest man, to break out was that the murderer's young daughter was spotted by the deceased's younger son and was entangled. One day, she ran to the murderer's house to take advantage of the younger daughter, and was caught by the murderer. The honest man went crazy at that time. , picked up the **** and rushed to the next door.

In the end, the male host next door died and the hostess was seriously injured. After being rescued, she was saved, but she lost the ability to work, which was equivalent to a disabled person.

After the murderer killed someone, he didn't run away. When the police arrested him, he didn't resist. He was determined to die. After grandfather Fang Yuan took over the case, he didn't want to sentence the murderer to death for granted. Instead, he went to the village to investigate and understand. When the truth came, Grandpa Fang sympathized with the murderer's family.

Grandpa Fang felt that the murderer was not an extremely vicious person. A normal person in the murderer's situation, if forced into that state, might kill people. In the final analysis, the family of the deceased did too much evil. Bad news.

Of course, murder is definitely wrong and must be punished by law. Therefore, Grandpa Fang did not sentence the murderer to death. He sentenced the murderer to 25 years. Although the sentence is long, there is always hope. Go out and reunite with family.

This kind of verdict was not made by Grandpa Fang alone. It was made by him after a rigorous investigation and discussion with the jury. Based on the principle that the law is no more than human feelings, he decided to give the murderer a chance to repent. .

Unexpectedly, it was this case that brought Grandpa Fang the calamity of death.

Fangyuan has been thinking all these years, if she could predict the future, would her grandfather change the verdict?

She thought about it for many years and the answer was no.

Her grandfather is so upright and principled, how could he change his sentence because of future crimes, even with a knife around his neck, grandpa would not do anything against the principles.

Because of her grandfather's affairs, she was not able to go to Mopan Mountain. After the new year, because her mother and grandmother were too sad and their health was not very good, her father was transferred back to the county hospital to take care of the family, and the piece of cloth was gone. .

It wasn't until the New Year's Eve last year that she met Tang Aijun in the hospital again. That guy was still the same as when he was a child, and he didn't change at all. Tang Aijun recognized her at a glance, and the two of them didn't know each other.

So she returned the piece of cloth that had been hidden for several years to Tang Aijun and became friends again.

Thinking of this ingenious fate, Fang Yuan couldn't help laughing. The heart wrapped in the hard shell seemed to be softer, like a feather brushing gently. It was a feeling she had never felt before.

Time passed by minute by minute, Fang Yuan was immersed in the past, Tang Xiaonan didn't bother, and she felt that Fang Yuan seemed to have become softer, not as thorny as when she was a child, one is one, the other is two, nothing at all. Not coherent.

Like today's incident, if it was before, Fang Yuan would definitely insist on calling the police, but now she is willing to cooperate with her. The change is really great.

"Miss Fangyuan!"

The door of the emergency room opened, Tang Xiaonan screamed and ran over, the doctor took off his mask and said with a smile, "It's not a big deal, you've handled it well, the medicine in your body will be expelled in a few days, it won't affect competition."

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