Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1522: obediently listen to the training

Fang Yuan frowned slightly and said, "You are too calm, too impulsive when you are in trouble, I told you before that I can't dance, and I don't like dancing, and if I'm really hurt,

I will not let anyone call you, I will go to the hospital to treat the wound, and I will not go to an unfamiliar room to rest, such a clumsy lie, just calm down a little and you will understand that today's accident, in fact, you can Avoided. "

"I...I know, it's all my fault, sorry."

Tang Aijun was ashamed to admit his mistake. It was true that he was too stupid. If Fangyuan didn't come to save him, he would do such disgusting things to that ugly woman, and he would have a shadow all his life.

Tang Xiaonan blinked, Fang Yuan admired it.

The third brother has been impulsive and irritable since he was a child, but he still has the biggest drawback, that is, he can't listen to persuasion. No matter who persuades him, he will not listen, and he will lose his temper, thinking that what adults say is nonsense.

But today Fang Yuan persuaded, but the third brother listened obediently, even better than the baby, tsk tsk, it really is one thing down.

But Fangyuan hasn't finished training yet, "You haven't realized how serious the matter is. First, you are not just an individual, but represent the basketball team. You are still the main player. The game next month is very important. It's clear that if you had a scandal about a strong girl **** an underage girl today, do you think the basketball team would keep you here?"

Tang Aijun's face was pale and his eyes were straight. He really didn't expect this level, and when Fang Yuan said that, he was very flustered.

What's the point of his life if he can't play basketball?

However, he still has a question, and he is not reconciled.

"That... ugly woman is really underage?"

Tang Aijun felt that Fang Yuan might have made a mistake. That ugly guy should have said it at least thirty. He was pretentious, and he spoke like Huang Fengxian before. He heard that he wanted to beat someone.

He felt that he could give birth to a daughter as big as his little girl.

Fang Yuan looked at him coldly, but did not speak. Tang Aijun was seen sweating coldly, his head drooping lower and lower, before he said sullenly, "I know, he is a minor."

"Third brother, she is indeed a minor. Shen Yuzhu called me. She said she wanted to force you... The scandal of that underage girl was told to the media, and she wanted to ruin your reputation and ruin your basketball career." Tang Xiaonan said .

"M's ~www.readwn.com~ I will kill this watch!"

Tang Aijun was so angry that he scolded him. It was the scumbag who did it again. He couldn't spare this slut!

There was a slap on the head, it was Fang Yuan.

"Don't swear, even if you get angry again, bear it. You are not alone now, you represent the country, and you must maintain a good image at all times. You don't want the media to report you as a rude guy with foul-mouthed words, right?"

Fang Yuan's speech was not fast and his voice was not loud, but he had a convincing magic power.

She added: "Secondly, it's not just you that Shen Yuzhu wants to deal with, her real target is your sister, so she will call Xiao Nan, Xiao Nan went to the Peace Hotel alone to confront Shen Yuzhu for you, if Xiao Nan falls In Shen Yuzhu's hands, how do you think such a crazy criminal will deal with Xiao Nan?"

Tang Aijun's lips were white and he was still trembling. Just now he was just angry and angry, but now he is afraid.

If his sister was hurt because of him, he would never forgive himself in his life.

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