Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1523: Brother and sister 1 yuan training

"Isn't there anything wrong with Xiao Nan?" Tang Aijun asked in a trembling voice.

Even if he saw his sister standing in front of him, he was still uneasy.

"I'm not doing well." Tang Xiaonan said with a smile.

Tang Aijun's heart was suddenly relieved, and he punched himself angrily, blaming him for being stupid.

"Third brother, I went after all preparations. I left a message to Brother Huo first and brought a weapon, so I won't suffer." Tang Xiaonan comforted her, she didn't want third brother to fall into self-blame.

Strictly speaking, today's matter is that she implicated her third brother.

"It's good luck today that nothing happened, but there's no guarantee next time, so, Tang Aijun, next time you encounter a similar incident, please use your brains and think calmly before acting, otherwise you will not only be harmed I will also implicate my family and friends.”

Fang Yuan taught him a lesson, then turned to look at Tang Xiaonan, and said, "You too, do you think you are a heroine and superman? I can understand your feelings, but you are only fourteen years old, and you are still a beautiful girl, you know that Shen Yuzhu wants to It is you who are dealing with you, and you are still in danger alone, your behavior is not great, but stupid!"

"I'm afraid something will happen to the third brother..."

"Will you be able to rescue your third brother if you go?" Fang Yuan asked rhetorically.

Tang Xiaonan shook her head, she couldn't.

But she still couldn't stand idly by.

"Then what should I do?"

"Call Coach Liu, and then find the adults at home. You are a child, and you don't have to take responsibility for some things." Fang Yuan said.

Tang Xiaonan didn't refute any more, in fact, she was not convinced.

She can bear it, she doesn't want people around her to be hurt because of her, and she also wants to protect her family and friends.

But Fang Yuan was right. The method she proposed was the most suitable, but it was only suitable for other people, not her.

Both brothers and sisters drooped their heads, like puppies, listening to their master's instructions without daring to say a word.

"Sister Fangyuan, I know I made a mistake. I won't make another mistake in the future. How did you find out that something happened to my third brother?" Tang Xiaonan smiled flatteringly, and Tang Aijun pricked up his ears. He also wanted to know.

"It was also a coincidence. I felt stuffy in the banquet hall, so I went out for a walk. I happened to see your third brother entering the elevator, so I followed up. Later, I found out that something was wrong."

Fang Yuan briefly and concisely explained what happened. Tang Xiaonan was not satisfied. She intuitioned that things were not so simple. She only saw the third brother entering the elevator and had to follow him~www.readwn.com~Why?

She really wanted to know Fang Yuan's psychological process at that time, but it was difficult to ask about it, which was a pity.

In fact, Fang Yuan was just hot-headed at the time. What she saw was Tang Aijun's back, and hurried into the elevator, looking very anxious. Fang Yuan didn't think much about it, and followed up subconsciously.

And she also wanted to know why Tang Aijun, who had just separated from her, appeared at the Peace Hotel again. When Tang Aijun said he wanted to go home, it meant that he had lied. Fang Yuan hated liars the most. She wanted to know what Tang Aijun lied to. reason.

Fortunately, she followed. Fang Yuan was still a little scared now, but she didn't show it. The stupid brother and sister were already panicking enough, and she couldn't make any more troubles.

"Thank you... I won't be so stupid in the future..." Tang Aijun thanked him gratefully, hesitantly not knowing what to say, and felt even more ashamed.

It was because of his stupidity that he almost killed his sister and teammates. In the future, he must think twice before acting, and can no longer be impulsive.

"No matter how urgent you are in the future, force yourself to calm down for at least 30 seconds, and don't do anything in those 30 seconds." Fang Yuan persuaded.

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