Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1524: Back to the hotel

"Well, I remember."

Tang Aijun nodded, he would do it in thirty seconds.

Tang Xiaonan's mind turned to other things. Fang Yuan said about the elevator just now, and she thought of Yu Duoduo who she saw at the elevator entrance. How could that girl appear on the sixth floor, shouldn't she be in the banquet hall?

She suddenly had a bad feeling, Shen Yuzhu was still on the sixth floor, in case Yu Duoduo met that lunatic...

"I still have something to go out, Sister Fangyuan, please watch my third brother." Tang Xiaonan couldn't sit still.

She doesn't like Yu Duoduo, but this girl actually doesn't have any bad intentions, and she does things upright.

The most important thing is that Professor Yu is the proud disciple of Mr. Qi and has helped her and her brother a lot. If something happens to Yu Duoduo, Professor Yu and his wife will definitely not be able to bear it.

"Where are you going?" Fang Yuan asked.

"Back to the Peace Hotel, I saw a classmate of mine on the sixth floor just now. I'm afraid that something will happen to her, so I'll go back and have a look." Tang Xiaonan told the truth and added, "I'll let Uncle Zhang accompany me, so it won't happen."

Before Fang Yuan agreed, a middle-aged man rushed into the door. It was a staff member sent by Coach Liu to deal with the matter.

The man had already communicated with the doctor. Seeing that Tang Aijun was okay, he was relieved and applied for a single ward for Tang Aijun, who was cared for throughout the whole process.

Fang Yuan said, "I'll accompany you back to the hotel."

She was still worried, she didn't say something, a cute and beautiful girl like Tang Xiaonan was the favorite target of many perverts.

Her uncle has worked as a criminal police officer for decades, and has handled many such cases of molesting young girls. Most of the victims are beautiful girls like Tang Xiaonan, and they are the little princesses who were raised and spoiled by perverts.

Fang Yuan didn't say that she was afraid of scaring Tang Xiaonan, so she had to follow. The Peace Hotel was already a dangerous place in her heart, and she definitely couldn't let Tang Xiaonan go alone.

"Miss Fangyuan has worked hard."

Tang Xiaonan didn't refuse. With Fangyuan, she felt that she was not afraid of anything. This girl was like Dinghai Shenzhen, able to control the house.

Uncle Zhang drove them back to the Peace Hotel. It was already dark outside, and the banquet hall on the first floor was still lively. Tang Xiaonan went in to look for Yu Duoduo and asked several people, but they all said they didn't see it.

"The person who said he went to the toilet might have fallen into the pit, and it's been almost an hour since he went to the toilet."

"Liu Shanxing didn't come back~www.readwn.com~ Maybe she went home."

Tang Xiaonan mentioned her throat, something must have happened to Yu Duoduo, and Liu Shanxing, these two have always been inseparable.

Fang Yuan dragged her out of the banquet hall and went straight to wait for the elevator, "Shen Yuzhu is not here either, I asked, Shen Yuzhu appeared once in this hour and only stayed for fifteen minutes."

"Let's go directly to the sixth floor. It is very likely that Shen Yuzhu left it behind."

When the elevator arrived, Fang Yuan dragged her in and pressed the button for the sixth floor. Uncle Zhang stayed with him the whole time without saying a word.

The corridor on the sixth floor was quiet, and the doors were tightly closed. The door of Tang Aijun's room was also closed, and there was no movement inside. Fang Yuan leaned against the door and listened for a while.

"There's no one in there."

She's a martial artist and has a keen sense of hearing, so she's pretty sure there's no one in the room.

"Will he not be in the hotel anymore?" Tang Xiaonan was worried that Shen Yuzhu moved with Yu Duoduo and Liu Shanxing, and was even more afraid that something had happened to them.

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