Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1539: Professor Yu who retaliates with virtue

Tang Xiaonan has been staying at Yu's house, Huo Jinzhi accompanied Professor Yu to the Peace Hotel, but when he got there, Liu Shanxing had been taken away by the police and had to come back.

Shortly after returning, the police called.

"Yes, Liu Shanxing is my child, how is she... how is she now?" Professor Yu asked very difficultly. Although he had already guessed the answer, he still wanted to hear what the police said and nothing happened.

"The situation is not very good. Liu Shanxing is now in the hospital, and his injuries are relatively serious."

Professor Yu shook his body, and it took a long time for him to regain his senses. He heard the police still say in the microphone, "Your other granddaughter, Yu Duoduo, is also involved in this case. My colleague will come to ask questions later."


Professor Yu hung up the phone, and his back was stiff, as if he had aged ten years.

The police came very quickly. Ten minutes after the phone was hung up, the doorbell rang. They were two lesbians. They looked amiable, and they felt like a spring breeze.

The two lesbians went upstairs and talked with Yu Duoduo alone for nearly an hour before leaving.

Yu Duoduo's mood calmed down a lot. After the police left, she offered to go to the hospital to see Liu Shanxing.

"I just wanted to ask her, why did you hurt me? What am I sorry for her?" Yu Duoduo pursed her lips tightly, with a stubborn expression on her face.

In fact, the shock Shen Yuzhu brought her was far less than Liu Shanxing's betrayal. Yu Duoduo always regarded Liu Shanxing as her most trusted friend, but this good friend stabbed her with a knife that was 40 meters long.

She is not reconciled, she must ask to understand.

"Duoduo, let's leave her alone. After she is discharged from the hospital, ask your grandfather to send her back to her hometown and never contact her again." Mrs. Yu advised.

Professor Yu hesitated, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Yu Duoduo shook his head, "I have to ask clearly, after I send it back to my hometown, I won't have the chance to ask, grandma, I'm all right now, you don't have to worry that I won't be able to bear it, it's already like this, what else do I have? It's scary."

She smiled to herself, her past innocence disappeared, as if she had grown up overnight.

Mrs. Yu sighed and didn't object anymore. The whole family went to the hospital, Tang Xiaonan also followed, and Huo Jinzhi naturally followed.

Liu Shanxing lay peacefully on the hospital bed ~www.readwn.com~ with fluid infusion, eyes closed, as if she was asleep.

There were two public security officers accompanying them. The doctor had just told them about Liu Shanxing's injury, and the situation was indeed serious.

The doctors used all medical terms. Tang Xiaonan translated it by herself, even though she was severely traumatized both physically and psychologically. The doctor also asked Professor Yu to ask a psychiatrist for guidance. Moreover, when the police told Professor Yu about the case, Tang Xiaonan heard the words of three men. Key words.

It means that Shen Yuzhu arranged for three men, that pervert Lin Liming likes Zhonglele, but fortunately she and Yu Duoduo were not recruited. Tang Xiaonan was so happy that she wanted to kill Shen Yuzhu now.

Huo Jinzhi's mood is even worse than hers, as long as he thinks that Tang Xiaopang will be killed by three men...

He just wanted to slaughter that bitch, and he would have to smash his corpse into pieces to relieve his hatred.

But he can't do anything now, he can only let the **** dance for a few more days, which makes him even more angry.

"What psychiatrist please, her surname is Liu, not Yu, and it has nothing to do with my family." Mrs. Yu's voice was a little loud, and she could hear her emotions and her face was ugly.

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