Mrs. Yu, who has always been gentle to others, heard the police say that it was three men, and she was also furious. She really hated Liu Shanxing. She raised a white-eyed wolf in six years. She was really blind.

Professor Yu didn't say anything, he was still struggling in his heart, and whispered: "I want to ask a doctor first, and then send her back to her hometown after she is cured, so I should pay back the kindness that Mr. Liu saved me back then."

"We have already paid the favor of the Liu family. We have sent money every year for the past six years, and we have also raised granddaughters for him. Duoduo has some, and Liu Shanxing also has them. Except for not being named Yu, Liu Shanxing is everywhere with Duo. Like Duo, how did we treat her badly, but how did she repay us?"

Mrs. Yu broke out completely, pointing at Professor Yu and scolding, without saving any face.

"Yu Ziyang, Duoduo is our granddaughter, she was almost killed by the white-eyed wolf, have you ever thought that if Xiaonan didn't rescue Duoduo, Duoduo is the one lying in the hospital bed now, you want to repay your grievance with virtue, you If you want to be compassionate, you can, don't implicate Duoduo!"

"Listen to me, I don't want to retaliate with virtue. Even if it is a stranger who is in trouble now, I will help..." Professor Yu explained that he was really just out of humanitarianism and didn't want to retaliate with virtue. His wife's reaction Too intense.

"I'm willing to help strangers, because they didn't hurt Duoduo, but that white-eyed wolf can't, don't say it, Yu Ziyang, I've been married to you for so many years, you've been helping people, and I've always supported you, from I didn't say a word of complaint."

Mrs. Yu was so excited that her voice trembled, she cried while talking, and Yu Duoduo snuggled up in her grandmother's arms without saying a word.

"Yu Ziyang, this time is different. My granddaughter was almost killed by the white-eyed wolf. If you want to repay your kindness, I won't stop you, but don't hurt my granddaughter. I made it clear to you today that if you go your own way, then we will Divorce, from now on, I don't care what you want to do!"

Tang Xiaonan was taken aback. Madam Yu, who seldom speaks loudly, even filed for divorce?

It seems to be really sad, but Professor Yu's kindness is such that she might have divorced sooner if it were another woman. That is to say, Mrs. Yu has a good temper and has only endured it for decades. Can bear it any longer.

Professor Yu was even more frightened, and he didn't respond for a long time. He and his wife were sympathetic to each other. They raised their eyebrows together for decades, and they have been ups and downs along the way.

Is he really wrong?

"Grandpa Yu, you should know Mr. Dongguo's story, right?" Huo Jinzhi asked.

Professor Yu's expression changed slightly, and his heart was touched, Huo Jinzhi said again: "Even if you have received the favor of the Liu family, this is not the reason why Liu Shanxing harmed your granddaughter, and it is not the reliance on which she should be forgiven. If you still don't understand, you might as well ask Grandpa Qi."


Professor Yu nodded with a heavy heart. He didn't mention the matter of finding a psychiatrist for Liu Shanxing. Let's ask his teacher first.

Liu Shanxing never woke up. The doctor said that she had been given tranquilizers and would not be able to wake up for a while. Mrs. Yu and the others had to go home first and come back tomorrow.

Huo Jinzhi took Tang Xiaonan home. He didn't speak on the way, and his face looked calm, but Tang Xiaonan knew that he was angry, and it was 12th-level anger, so he couldn't help shrinking his neck.

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