Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1541: Got tricked by the boss again

"I know it's wrong, don't be angry, okay? I will definitely not act alone in the future. I promise, if I can't do it, I will... stop eating snacks."

Tang Xiaonan spoke in a low voice, even swearing and swearing that she knew she had done something wrong. At that time, she was only worried about the third brother. She didn't expect how powerful the enemy would be.

"I really don't want to eat snacks anymore?" Huo Jinzhi's voice was low, but he was actually angry with himself, because of his incompetence, he hadn't gotten rid of Shen Yuzhu's poisonous snake, which would put Tang Xiaopang in danger.

But since this girl took the initiative to jump into the pit, he naturally had to follow.

Those snacks are long overdue.

"If I can't do it, I definitely won't eat it."

Tang Xiaonan's tone is firm. She will definitely not act alone in the future, so she still has to eat snacks. Life without snacks is like no sunshine, and people will die.

"Wait and see."

Huo Jinzhi raised his eyebrows, he really had no confidence in this girl, he said it nicely, but he forgot about it after a while, but he would remember it, and then he could deduct snacks logically.

Tang Xiaonan heard what he meant, pouted and whispered, "Wait and see, dreaming..."

"Speak out loud, murmur villain behavior."

Hearing the voice of the boss, Tang Xiaonan shuddered, ingratiating himself to laugh, "I praise you for being wise and talented."

Huo Jinzhi squinted her with a half-smile, but didn't pierce the girl's hypocritical mask. He muttered so loudly just now, when he was deaf?

That is to say, relying on his favor, he can do whatever he wants in front of him.

When he arrived at Tang's house, Huo Jinzhi didn't enter the house. He had to go to Fangyuan to ask about the situation at the time. Tang Aijun's stupid bear had good eyesight. He found a girlfriend like Fangyuan, which made up for his lack of brain development. .

He also had to thank Fang Yuan. Fortunately, Tang Xiaopang didn't have an accident because of her presence. As long as he thought about the harm that girl might suffer, his heart shrank into a ball, and he had never been so afraid.

"Go to bed early, don't think about it."

Huo Jinzhi patted Tang Xiaonan's head lightly.

"Well, will you take me to the hospital tomorrow?" Tang Xiaonan begged.

Huo Jinzhi frowned, "What are you going to do in the hospital, those things have nothing to do with you."

He didn't want Tang Xiaopang to know about those dirty things, it was too dirty.

"I just went to see ~www.readwn.com~ maybe the police have something to ask me, and I'm also the party involved."

In fact, Tang Xiaonan wanted to know how the Yu family would deal with Liu Shanxing, and also wanted to see Yu Duoduo and Liu Shanxing, the former sisters, torn apart. It must be wonderful.

Unable to hold back her soft and hard bubbles, Huo Jinzhi had to let go and promised to take her to the hospital tomorrow morning, and Tang Xiaonan went back to the house to sleep contentedly.

This day has been a dangerous day, and the nerves have been in excitement and tension. Tang Xiaonan thought that she would lose sleep, but after taking a bath, she fell asleep as soon as she touched the bed, and slept in darkness. When it was dawn, Huo Jinzhi had already arrived. pick her up.

Tang Xiaonan was already awake, and she heard Huo Jinzhi and Yang Lijuan talking downstairs, but she didn't want to get up, her mind was awake, and her body was still sleeping. Getting up every day was hard work, and she had to stay in bed for at least half an hour to get up. Come.

There was a tattering sound, it was Yuanbao children's shoes.

Every morning, Yuanbao would come to wake her up on time, lick her and hug her, jump on the bed and step on her if she couldn't, and the big baby weighing 50 to 60 pounds jumped on her. Whenever this time, Tang Xiaonan wanted to cook in an iron pot. Big dog.

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