Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1563: No matter how stupid my daughter-in-law is, she can't go back

"Not loose..."

Tang Xiaonan became even more popular. She actually called her Tang Xiaopang. Where did she get fat? With her looks and figure, she was absolutely gorgeous in the Tang Dynasty.

Huo Jinzhi didn't dare to do anything, and was worried that the girl would hit her head and her chin hurts again. She was in a hurry for a while. Gu Yunchuan and Lou Zhijun next to her were so happy to watch the show. It's lively, and I don't plan to help at all.

"It's not just a phoenix, I'll buy you ten!"

Huo Jinzhi softened first, and then let this stinky girl bite down, his chin would definitely be hurt, which was too indecent.

"Is it a matter of Phoenix? You are a Phoenix who disrespects me. You just gnawed at it without asking, and you still admit your fault."

Tang Xiaonan let go of her mouth and argued with the boss according to reason. After speaking, she wanted to bite again, but Huo Jinzhi's chin was already blocked by Huo Jinzhi's hand, and she bit her ear again in anger.

Huo Jinzhi's body was jittery. His ears were the most sensitive parts of him. A slight touch would make his heart tighten, but now he was bitten. There was still a warm breath in his ears. Her heart became softer and softer, and she couldn't help reaching out and hugging the fat girl who was riding on her and making waves.

Tang Xiaonan didn't bite hard, and Huo Jinzhi simply went with her, just holding her to prevent the girl from falling down, but it's not a problem to always bite like this.

"I forgot to clean my ears these days."

Tang Xiaonan's body trembled, feeling that there was something in her mouth, Huo Jinzhi smiled and whispered in her ear, "Is it delicious?"

"Bah... it stinks!"

Tang Xiaonan quickly threw up her ears, pouted several times, and wiped her mouth with his clothes. Seeing that this guy's face was full of ridicule, she was so angry that she punched a few times, twisted her body and gave the back of her head, completely forgetting that she was sitting now. On the big guy's leg.

"Pay you ten phoenixes?" Huo Jinzhi flattered.

"do not want."

Tang Xiaonan twisted, she was no longer interested in Phoenix.

"Then what do you want?"

"I need nothing."

Rich and noble can't be promiscuous, and she is not someone who can be bought casually.

"Don't want banknotes?" Huo Jinzhi asked again.

Tang Xiaonan hesitated, turned his head and asked, "How much?"

"One hundred dollars."

Huo Jinzhi laughed and said a number. He was obsessed with money since he was a child. His hobbies have never changed since he was a child. The only thing he likes is banknotes.

Tang Xiaonan's eyes lit up, and he reached out his hand subconsciously, but he quickly retracted it with restraint, pretending to be reluctant, "Forget it, I don't care about villains."

"Here you~www.readwn.com~ Mr. Tang."

Huo Jinzhi took out a hundred yuan and gave it to her. Tang Xiaonan felt embarrassed by the smile on her face, especially when she saw the obvious tooth marks on the big man's chin, she was even more embarrassed.

It's sloppy, she should be biting her paw, the chin is too obvious.

But I can't blame her, who let this guy bite her Phoenix head.

Feeling that the touch of the chair was not right, Tang Xiaonan realized that she had been sitting on Huo Jinzhi's lap all the time, even more embarrassed, and hurriedly slipped down.

Huo Jinzhi's legs were empty all of a sudden, and his heart was also empty. No wonder it was not a good taste. He glanced at Tang Xiaonan, who was nibbling on sugar paintings, and his heart was even more uncomfortable.

Gu Yunchuan's nibbling on sugar paintings is to show affection, but he nibbles and gets nibbled. Why is there such a big difference?

It must be Tang Xiaopang's IQ problem, that's what happened.

But no matter how stupid my daughter-in-law is, she can't withdraw. She has already made an order, so she can only accept it reluctantly.

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