Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1564: weird boss lady

Gu Yunchuan and Lou Zhijun are going to stay in Songcheng for a few days, mainly to accompany Lou Zhijun to treat birthmarks here.

However, it has to be divided into several courses of treatment, and each course of treatment takes about a week. Of course, the price is not cheap, and ordinary people cannot afford it.

Lou Zhijun is of course not short of money. Her father, Chen Qian, has strong assets and gives her a lot of pocket money every month. As long as the birthmark can be cured, Chen Qian can afford it even if he goes abroad.

And Gu Yunchuan is also rich. Although he is not interested in doing business, he is the most suitable for doing business. He has hardly ever done a loss-making business and made a lot of money.

On this day, Gu Yunchuan accompanied Lou Zhijun out of the hospital. The two were very close, arm in arm. Lou Zhijun's birthmark was not big, so she had bangs to cover most of the birthmarks, so you couldn't see it carefully.

The sun is warm today, there is no wind, and the weather is very good. Lou Zhijun wore a creamy white hooded down jacket, jeans, and sheepskin boots of the same color. She is tall, 168, with a slim figure and a gentle temperament. , look beautiful no matter what you wear.

Gu Yunchuan was half a head taller than her. She was wearing a gray-black woolen coat today. She was graceful and elegant. When she walked with Lou Zhijun, a talented and beautiful woman, passers-by would smile when they saw it.

"It smells good."

Lou Zhijun sucked his nose hard, and the aroma of roast lamb came over, and saliva flowed out of his mouth.

"I haven't eaten mutton skewers for a long time." Lou Zhijun took another breath, she liked mutton.

"Are you hungry?"

Gu Yunchuan smiled softly and led her to the mutton kebab stall. The fragrance became stronger and stronger, and it was not difficult to find. It was a husband and wife stall. Business is very good, there are many people waiting.

"Ten strings." Gu Yunchuan said, Lou Zhijun interrupted him and corrected: "Fifteen strings."

Ten skewers are not enough at all, but fifteen skewers are barely enough.

"You can't eat too much meat, your stomach is not good." Gu Yunchuan disagreed, Lou Zhijun's stomach was not very good, because of the hunger and fullness of the meal when he was a child, the meat was not digestible, and if you eat a little more, your stomach hurts.

"Only fifteen strings, Yunchuan, please."

Lou Zhijun begged in a low voice, Gu Yunchuan couldn't be more stubborn, "At most fifteen strings, go for a while to digest."

"Okay~www.readwn.com~ Lou Zhijun smiled, her personality is much more lively now, and she looks more charming. The interaction between the two is like a young couple, and they are very good-looking, and they are particularly eye-catching in the crowd. .

No one noticed that the proprietress of the barbecue stall looked at Lou Zhijun with hatred in her eyes, but she kept her head down, and only glanced up occasionally, neither Gu Yunchuan nor Lou Zhijun noticed.

The business was too busy, the couple were both roasting, the oil dripped on the charcoal fire, and the flames flew high. The couple's hands were scalded, still oily, and looked quite bitter.

"Zhijun, step back, be careful of the fire." Gu Yunchuan wanted to drag someone, but someone suddenly leaned over, and he dragged him empty.

The proprietress, who flipped the lottery from time to time, heard Gu Yunchuan's words and looked up, then lowered her head quickly, but her eyes became even colder. She glanced at Lou Zhijun who was in front of her. She took a pair of tongs and stabbed it a few times in the charcoal fire. The fire is more prosperous.

Then she vigorously brushed oil on the meat skewers, the oil dripped on the charcoal fire like water, and the flames roared more than a meter high, only one centimeter away from Lou Zhijun's face.

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