Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1565: almost burnt

Gu Yunchuan was startled and wanted to bypass the person in front of him and go to pull Lou Zhijun, but at this time, the proprietress poked the charcoal a few times with tongs and brushed a layer of oil. Follow the wind to blow towards Lou Zhijun.

"Zhi Jun, step back." Gu Yunchuan shouted anxiously.

Lou Zhijun realized that something was wrong and walked back quickly, but the spark was too fast, and it only took a while to blow onto the down jacket. The down jacket was flammable, and it was a very high temperature spark, which burned a piece at once, Lou Zhijun was frightened A big jump, and quickly wipe it off.

Gu Yunchuan also rushed over. He reacted very quickly. He scooped a spoonful of water from the wonton stand next door and poured it on the down jacket. Fortunately, it was not too hot, so it was extinguished after only half a spoonful of water was poured, but Lou Zhijun made it very bad. Embarrassed, there was a lot of water in his lining, and the wind blew so cold that he shivered.

"I'm sorry, I won't charge for this mutton skewer, I'm really sorry!"

The owner of the barbecue stall couldn't help apologizing. He couldn't see his face clearly while wearing a mask, but his voice sounded very young. Gu Yunchuan lowered his face and glanced at the proprietress, who looked down and looked scared, with suspicious eyes. The lady boss looks familiar.

"Yunchuan, forget it, I also blame myself for being careless." Lou Zhijun advised.

"Go back first."

Of course Gu Yunchuan didn't bother with the stall owner, but he didn't look at the proprietress anymore. He paid for the barbecue and left with the mutton skewers. He could still hear the boss blaming his wife, "Why are you so careless, fortunately the guests are not friendly. We care, otherwise we won't make enough money today."

"I did not do it on purpose……"

The woman's voice came faintly, and Gu Yunchuan paused. The voice was also very familiar. He was sure that he knew someone, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

In the evening, Huo Jinzhi invited guests to eat Sichuan hot pot. There was a newly opened hot pot restaurant that tasted very good. When winter came, the hot pot naturally had to be arranged, just the four of them.

Lou Zhijun changed his clothes, the down jacket was burnt out, but luckily there was no major incident, but his hand was scalded.

After ordering a large table of dishes, Tang Xiaonan happily put the dishes in the pot, "Sister Lou, this mutton is tender. Don't you like mutton the most? I ordered a good name."

Gu Yunchuan said dissatisfiedly, "She almost burned herself to eat mutton skewers today."

"How can it be so exaggerated, it was more thrilling at the time~www.readwn.com~ Lou Zhijun sneered.

Tang Xiaonan became interested and asked what happened. Gu Yunchuan told what happened during the day, and then said fearfully, "If Mars were bigger, the down jacket would burn up, and something big would definitely happen."

"It's so scary. I won't dare to go near the barbecue booth when I wear a down jacket." Tang Xiaonan was also taken aback. Now the fabric of down jackets is made of acrylic, which is flammable. It will burn when it touches a spark. Gu Yunchuan is a little bit. No exaggeration, it almost burned.

Huo Jinzhi, however, heard something different and wondered: "The fire is very big, and no new charcoal has been added. Why did the lady boss stab the charcoal fire? Still brushing so much oil?"

Gu Yunchuan was stunned for a moment, the strange feeling appeared again, Huo Jinzhi was right, why did the proprietress stab the charcoal fire for no reason, it felt like it was intentional.

"Could it be that she did it on purpose? But she doesn't know Sister Lou, why would she want to harm people?" Tang Xiaonan couldn't understand.

"I'll find out when I go to see it tomorrow."

Huo Jinzhi planned to go to the hospital to have a look, but he always felt that it was not that simple.

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