Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1588: Oscar-winning acting

The old lady Chai hid more secretly. She wanted to know more to determine whether her grandson was really a father-in-law.

In the direction that Tang Xiaonan was facing, she happened to be able to see the hiding place of the old woman Chai. The old woman thought she was hiding very secretly.

Winking at Chai Yuxiang, Chai Yuxiang understood and continued to cooperate with the performance.

"Cousin, don't tell your aunt about it first. My aunt is not in good health, and now I am worried about my cousin's affairs. If I know this bad news, my aunt will definitely not be able to bear it."

Tang Xiaonan also said worriedly, so much that she herself believed that Chai Wenhao was going to become a father-in-law.

"But I can't hide it. The doctor will tell my mother sooner or later."

"It's alright, I've already told the doctor, and I'll keep it from my aunt for the time being. Now we both know."

"It's still Xiao Nan, you are thoughtful, sigh, my brother's accident has ruined the rest of his life. The doctor said that my brother has hurt his vitality this time, and he will not be able to do physical work in the future. He has to take tonics frequently. Marry a wife!"

Chai Yuxiang sighed repeatedly, but in fact her face was about to cramp. Acting is not an easy life, she almost laughed several times.

It all depends on Tang Xiaonan's pinch from time to time to remind her to cooperate with the acting, otherwise she will not be able to persevere.

"I don't need my aunt to worry about marrying a daughter-in-law. My cousin is from the Chai family, so naturally there is the Chai family to worry about. When I look back, I will tell my aunt not to stop my cousin from getting close to the Chai family. In truth, my cousin's surname is Chai. The blood in the bones is the blood of the Chai family, who will not kiss the Chai family!"

"No way, my brother is from the Chai family. My mother doesn't care about these bad things. My mother just lost money in the business in the past two years, and she doesn't have that much money to manage this mess."

Chai Yuxiang's tone was a little gloating, she really hoped that her mother would stop worrying about her stupid brother.

"My aunt doesn't have the ability to care about it now. She lost so much money and owes my mother a lot. She hasn't even paid my cousin's surgery fee."

"Fuck it, let the Chai family pay, how much is it in total?"

"Two thousand is still more than three thousand, and I have to take medicine and be hospitalized later. I have asked the doctor, and my cousin's complete recovery is less than five or six thousand." Tang Xiaonan's words are true, she asked the doctor to inquire.

Chai Wenhao suffered such a serious injury, and the medical expenses will definitely not be small. Five or six thousand was an astronomical figure in the 1980s, and few families could afford it.

"Let the Chai family come out, my mother has no money."

"The Chai family had to come out~www.readwn.com~ Now that my cousin is out of danger, I persuade my aunt to go back to the market and set up a stall. I owe my mother so much money. How can I pay the debt if I don't set up a stall."

"No, I have to go to school too. Anyway, the Chai family is idle and let them take care of my brother."

The sisters exchanged glances knowingly, complained again, and then left.

The old lady Chai walked out of the corner with a gloomy face, her triangular eyes flashing coldly, the Tang family is so calculated, they left her a useless grandson, and wanted her to contribute money, bah... It's a beautiful idea!

Fortunately, God opened her eyes and let her hear the words of these two little cousins. She is not that stupid. Five or six thousand yuan is returned to a waste that can't be passed on to the next generation and can't work.

"Mom, do you want to ask the doctor?" Sister Chai Boliang asked.

"Ask a fart. I didn't hear that little watch saying hello to the doctor. The doctor must say it's fine."

Mrs. Chai snorted coldly and had an idea in her heart. Now that she's already useless, why would she stay here? Even drinking water in this hellish place costs money. Sleeping in the hospital has a sore back. She can't stand it.

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