Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1589: Sell ​​the house and pay for the medicine

The mother and daughter went out to buy steamed buns, and Tang Xiaonan and Chai Yuxiang flashed out.

"Xiao Nan, will they believe it?"

"I'll find out later, go back."

Tang Xiaonan didn't have a clue in her heart, but there shouldn't be a big problem. It just depends on how deeply Mrs. Chai loves her grandson.

The two returned to the ward, Tang Laifeng was taking care of his son, and Chai Wenhao was still awake.

"Just now your brother moved his fingers and his eyelids moved. The doctor said he was about to wake up." Tang Laifeng said happily.

Chai Yuxiang was absent-minded and responded casually, but her eyes looked outside from time to time, why didn't the dead old woman come back.

"I'm going to pay. The nurse came to urge you just now."

As soon as Tang Laifeng got up, he was stopped by Chai Yuxiang, "Mom, what are you worried about, my brother's surname is Chai, and he wants to inherit the clan of the Chai family. Theoretically, the money should be handed over by the Chai family."

Tang Laifeng was inexplicable when he heard it, "What are you talking about, how can the Chai family have that money, your brother's medicine will stop if you don't pay the money."

"Don't the Chai family still have a house? If you sell the house, you will have money. My brother is their precious grandson." Chai Yuxiang mocked.

The old lady Chai and her daughter, who had already returned, had the cat eavesdropping at the door. When they heard that Chai Yuxiang was going to sell the Chai family's house, she couldn't hold back, and rushed in and yelled, "You **** girl with no conscience, even the old lady's house. You've already made up your mind, don't think I don't know what your heart is, I bah... I don't have any money, not a penny!"

"What do I feel at ease? What did I say wrong? Is my brother the precious grandson of your Chai family? You used to say that my brother is your life, and you are willing to do anything for my brother,

Now you just sell the house to raise money to treat my brother's body, you don't want it? Could it be that the words you said before were all my brother's? "Chai Yuxiang retorted.

"Anyway, I don't have any money. I'm a lonely old woman who can't afford the money." Mrs. Chai is playing a rogue.

"I know you have no money, so I let you sell the house. As long as my brother is cured, he will earn money to be filial to you in the future!"

Mrs. Chai's face became even more gloomy, and she didn't say a word.

Chai Yuxiang added: "My mother is poor now and owes a lot of debt, otherwise she would have gone to pay the money early. With so many people in your Chai family, you can make it all together by one person. I know what you are thinking. I want my mother to borrow money to treat my brother, and when my brother is healed, I will coax him back and take over for your Chai family."

"Oh...the abacus is really good!"

Chai Wenhao lay motionless on the bed~www.readwn.com~ but no one saw him, his fingers twitched a few times and his eyelids blinked a few times.

Chai Yuxiang's tone was too bitter, which greatly stimulated the old lady Chai. She was so angry that she jumped up and cursed:

"The rumored **** sect, I still want to fool the old lady, Wen Hao is a waste, he can't even give birth to a turtle egg, and he will need to take supplements in the future, and he will not be able to do his job. You are a good abacus. Seeing that your brother has become a waste, I want to stuff this waste into my mother's care!"

"Bah... I'm not stupid!"

Chai Wenhao's eyelids blinked faster on the bed, and his chest kept heaving, but Mrs. Chai didn't see it, but even if she did, she probably wouldn't care.

In this old woman's heart, Chai Wenhao was already an abandoned child.

Although she does have feelings for her grandson, she still loves herself more than her. Even if Chai Wenhao can recover to a normal person, Mrs. Chai will not sell the house, and she will keep the house for the elderly.

Not to mention that Chai Wenhao will become a waste, how could the old woman work hard for a waste, she is not stupid.

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