Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1607: Say no to eat

"No, go home."

Huo Jinzhi got up and prepared to go home. He tried to ignore the ice in his mouth. He ate too quickly just now, his teeth were a bit woody, and his tongue was frozen. How can so many people like to eat ice cream in winter, their brains are not normal.

Tang Xiaonan gritted her teeth, feeling wronged and angry. It was obviously her ice cream, and she let this guy eat it all. She felt lonely after eating.

That's abominable!

Not so bullying.

"Who told you to eat it all, this is my ice cream, you asked me? You can eat half of it, why eat it all? You are too much..."

The more Tang Xiaonan said, the more aggrieved, she didn't even taste the taste, so she let this guy give it to Huo Huo.

She didn't even eat a spoonful of such a big cup.

"You didn't eat so many spoons, enough."

Huo Jinzhi didn't say it, but when he said Tang Xiaonan, he became angry, "Is that a lot of spoons? How much is your spoonful? That's all, I don't even have fingernails, you're begging, I don't care, I'm going to eat ice cream."

"Can not."

Huo Jinzhi didn't even think about it, he definitely couldn't back down on issues of principle. He deliberately searched the magazine "Friends of Women", which detailed the preventive measures for dysmenorrhea, and eating ice was the most important one.

Even girls who don't have dysmenorrhea, try to eat less ice, especially ten days before the menstrual holiday, don't eat irritating food, so as not to stimulate the uterus.

He didn't want Tang Xiaopang to roll around in pain again, and it would be uncomfortable to watch.

But Tang Xiaopang's tearful appearance now makes him uncomfortable. He really can't understand why ice cream is so delicious?

His mouth was frozen from eating just now, and now his teeth are uncomfortable, so he might as well have a cup of hot tea.

"Everything is fine except ice cream."

Huo Jinzhi let out a sigh of relief, and felt a little annoyed in his heart. He just couldn't see the girl shed tears, and when she did, he softened his heart. It was very bad, but he couldn't control it every time.

Tang Xiaonan's eyes lit up and she said without thinking, "I want to eat sorbet."

Huo Jinzhi's face suddenly turned black, and he gritted his teeth and looked at this girl who was so stubborn. Do you think he is stupid?

"No ice is allowed."

Sorbet is not ice cream, this girl still plays word games with him, but she has grown.

Tang Xiaonan's mouth was flat, and his eyes were sad, but Huo Jinzhi was indifferent. For matters of principle, his heart was harder than iron, but if the target was Tang Xiaonan, the boss would offer some special rewards.

"Would you like to eat dumplings?"

"Don't eat."

"Fried rice cakes?"

"Don't ~www.readwn.com~ candied haws?"

"Fried fried? Lamb skewers? Tangyuan? Crab yellow bun? Duck head?"

Huo Jinzhi said a long list of delicious food, and Tang Xiaonan's mouth was drooling. In fact, she was already moved, and it was all her favorite food, but she still remembered the hatred of that cup of ice cream, and she didn't want to admit defeat, so she insisted not to. Eat, but those erratic eyes, and the voice of swallowing from time to time, betrayed her careful thinking.

"I'm so hungry, you really don't eat?"

Huo Jinzhi saw it in his eyes, secretly laughing, and did not expose this girl, Gu Zi went to the alley to buy food, this is a night snack street, there are many stalls selling snacks, the whole street is delicious, fragrant Fly ten miles.

"Don't eat!"

Tang Xiaonan bared her teeth at him, she would not compromise.

Huo Jinzhi smiled and stopped asking. He went to buy a big bag of things, mutton skewers, fried buns, crab yellow buns, and a few duck heads and fur eggs, all of which Tang Xiaonan likes to eat.

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