Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1608: Little 2 mouths are awkward

Huo Jinzhi was not in a hurry to eat, so he sent Tang Xiaonan home first, and began to eat when he got home. The family was there, Tang Laijin watched TV with his daughter, smelled the fragrance, and his eyes lit up.

"Is there a duck head? I'm craving this!"

Tang Laijin, who has gained a lot of weight, has fallen in love with eating duck heads in recent years. He has to go out to eat a few duck heads every night to sleep peacefully. His increasingly round body is all thanks to supper.

Tang Ailing, who was also round and round, also came over happily. The father and daughter each had a duck head and nibbled at it with relish. Chai Yuxiang likes to eat mutton skewers, and she eats mutton skewers very smoothly. As soon as it slipped, a bunch of meat slipped into his mouth, and he ate it cleanly, without any leftovers.

"It's delicious, it tastes amazing."

Tang Laijin ate and praised, skillfully peeled the duck's head, he had already finished eating the meat, and when he clicked again, the duck's skull was also bitten, revealing a bit of duck brain inside, and Tang Laijin's eyes lit up. This was his best Love.

The essence of a duck is all in this brain, Tang Laijin sighed regretfully, dug out the duck's brain, and fed it to his daughter who also loves brains.

"It's delicious, Dad, do you have any more?" Tang Ailing was still unfinished. It was delicious, but a little less.

"That's all there is to it, I don't even have to eat your father."

Tang Laijin muttered angrily, took the duck head that his daughter had gnawed in pieces, and started nibbling again, teaching him a lesson while nibbling, "You're wasting half of your nibbling like this, duck heads aren't eaten like this..."

"Dad, I'm going to eat my brain, so hurry up and bite..." Tang Ailing was so anxious that she patted her oily fat paws.

Although the father and daughter's eating looks are not very elegant, they are really attractive, more attractive than eating and broadcasting. Tang Xiaonan is even more greedy, and his eyes are always looking at the table.

But she just said she didn't want to eat, it would be too shameful to eat again.

"Go to sleep!"

Tang Xiaonan stomped upstairs, she couldn't see, she wouldn't be greedy if she didn't see it.

"You don't want to eat it, little girl?" Tang Laijin thought it was strange. These are all things that niece likes to eat. Why didn't you eat a single bite today?

"Don't eat!"

Tang Xiaonan walked faster, afraid that he would turn back to eat after hesitating for a while.

Tang Laijin looked suspiciously at his niece as she ran upstairs, and then looked at Huo Jinzhi, "Did you quarrel with Xiao Nan?"

"No~www.readwn.com~ Huo Jinzhi smiled lightly and went upstairs. Tang Xiaonan was lying on the bed, sulking, beating the doll as someone, "Smelly Huo Jinzhi, bite your ears and pinch you. Nose, let you eat my ice cream, let you buy so many delicious food to crave me..."

Holding the doll and rubbing it fiercely for a while, Tang Xiaonan's anger subsided, not as hot as before, and she still regrets it in her heart. I knew she would not be reserved, why would she have to live with so many delicious food?

But she went upstairs, and it would be too shameless to go down, and the uncle and cousin are all foodies, so they must have eaten up.

The more she thought about it, the more annoyed she became. Tang Xiaonan slapped the doll again, "I'm stupid, that guy is annoying, but it's not annoying to eat. Why refuse, no one is more stupid than you!"

Huo Jinzhi, who was leaning against the door frame, the smile in his eyes deepened and he did not make a sound, until Tang Xiaonan was so annoyed that he pulled his hair, and then he said slowly: "Really don't eat?"

Tang Xiaonan turned back suddenly, only to see Huo Jinzhi holding a bag in his hand, the fragrance dissipated, and his eyes lit up.

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