Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1609: 1 bite, so sweet

"Who said not to eat!"

Tang Xiaonan grabbed it and grabbed it. The bag was still warm. There was a portion of every food in it, and it added up to a lot, enough for her to eat.

Huo Jinzhi knew this girl's temperament very well. He would definitely not eat it at first. If he had to be petty, he would want to eat it after a while. Tang Xiaopang was like this every time he made a petty temper. Got it.

So when buying food, take out a portion of each, put it in a bag and hide it in your coat pocket.

Eat a crab roe bun first, the delicious soup made Tang Xiaonan sigh with satisfaction. Now the crab roe bun is full of ingredients, and it will be difficult to eat such an authentic crab roe bun in the future.

"Is it delicious?" Huo Jinzhi's voice was close to his ear, he also sat on the bed and looked at her mockingly.

Tang Xiaonan blushed and was a little embarrassed. She seemed to be a little unreasonable just now. People didn't let her eat ice cream for her own good, but she didn't talk about haircuts and lose her temper.

"Are you going to eat?"

Tang Xiaonan asked in a low voice, there was still half of the uncooked pan in his hand, and he bit half of it just now.

Huo Jinzhi's mouth curved, "I want to eat raw fried."

"Only half of it."

Tang Xiaonan looked at the half-cooked pan in her hand in embarrassment, and she didn't say it earlier, she ate half of it.


Huo Jinzhi grabbed her hand, raised it to his mouth, and ate half of the raw jian with her hand. When he was biting the raw jian, he also nibbled the tip of her finger. Tang Xiaonan's face turned red all of a sudden, shyly. He withdrew his claws, lowered his head and ate the fried rice cakes, his heart pounding like a deer, thumping, thumping, and I don't know how it was jumping so fast.

"It was delicious."

Huo Jinzhi is very calm. In fact, if you look closely, you will find that the roots of his ears are also red, and the raw fried in his mouth has no taste. He only remembers that his fingers are very soft, and he was worried that he would bite them just now.

The two didn't speak, one lowered his head to eat, the other was thinking about that finger and wanted to take another bite.

After the bag of food was eaten, Tang Xiaonan regained her composure. Didn't she just bite her finger. What's the embarrassment? She thought too much, and the people who bit her didn't care, she looked so calm.


Tang Xiaonan hiccupped, and the hatred for ice cream had long since been forgotten.

He yawned again, Tang Xiaonan was sleepy, Huo Jinzhi got up and went home, he has something to do tomorrow.

In the evening~www.readwn.com~ Tang Xiaonan had a mortifying dream. She was eating delicious crab yellow buns, one after another, and they were very delicious, but suddenly a big mouth came out, and ah woo took her away. The crab yellow bun in her mouth also bit her mouth.

The feeling in the dream felt like the real thing. Tang Xiaonan could also see who the person who robbed the thing was. It was Huo Jinzhi. .

Tang Xiaonan slept very restlessly that night. She fought with someone in her dreams all night. When she woke up the next morning, her eyes were dark, her spirit was not very good, and she kept yawning.

"Stinky bastard!"

Tang Xiaonan gritted her teeth and scolded her. It was nothing more than robbing her of ice cream. She was still robbing her of food in her dreams. Damn!

Time passed very quickly, another year of spring blossoms, Tang Xiaonan was fifteen years old, and when the peach blossoms on the mountain were fragrant, Gu Yunchuan and Huo Jinzhi began to act.

Because the seven creams have been put into the market, Gu Changan, the scumbag old man, is quite courageous in doing business. Once he does it, he will make a big business. He has hired a lot of sales talents for three production lines, not only for domestic sales, but also for export. Before the liberation of seven creams It is very popular in Southeast Asia, Gu Changan is ambitious and confident.

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