Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1668: The Lin family who can't be offended

After dinner, Huo Jinzhi called a friend, Tang Xiaonan watched TV, and Aunt Yang prepared something for her to go to military training tomorrow.

"Are you sure it's the one from the Lin family?"

Huo Jinzhi frowned, as he guessed.

"That's right, that girl from the Lin family is spoiled by the old lady of the Lin family like an eyeball. It's best not to provoke her."

"Understood, thank you."

Huo Jinzhi hung up the phone, and after thinking for a while, he called Lin Hua again. Lin Hua was the second son of the Lin family. He had a good relationship with him. relationship better.

"Why did Yaxing call me today? It's already past dinner time, so you won't invite me to the clubhouse to play, will you?" Lin Hua joked, with a somewhat condescending tone.

But of course his true character is not like this, cynicism is just a cover for him.

"I have a serious business, so your cousin is definitely very favored at home?" Huo Jinzhi asked directly.

"What did you ask her for?" Lin Hua said with disgust.

"To be exact, it was Lin Ranran who provoked my daughter-in-law. She shares a dormitory with my daughter-in-law now, and provokes my daughter-in-law on the first day we met today." Huo Jinzhi's tone was even more disgusting.

He hates all those who provoke Tang Xiaopang. If Lin Ranran hadn't been the eldest Miss Lin family, he would have dealt with it a long time ago.

A light laughter came from the microphone, "One day I will take your little daughter-in-law out for dinner. I really want to see what kind of fairy can accept a cold-hearted person like you."

"I'll make arrangements in the future. You can tell Lin Ranran first, can I deal with her?"

Lin Hua restrained her laughter and said solemnly: "I advise you not to take action. Although my second uncle is useless, and my grandfather doesn't like it, Lin Ranran is really my old lady's eyeball, and that old lady still doesn't like it. You're still alive, you can't afford it!"

Even he didn't dare to provoke him, so even if he hated his cousin, he could only avoid it.

Huo Jinzhi frowned, very unhappy, and hated his incompetence even more, he was still too weak, because there were still people in this world that he couldn't mess with.

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Lin Hua added: "Lin Ranran and Ji Shishi have a very good relationship. She should be venting for Ji Shishi. My cousin has always had no brains."

"I see, thank you, I'll invite you to dinner another day."

Huo Jinzhi sneered silently, it turned out that Ji Shishi was behind the scenes.

"Take your little daughter-in-law!"

Lin Hua reminded with a smile and hung up the phone.

Huo Jinzhi became enlightened and went downstairs to find Tang Xiaonan. He was going to go abroad in a month, and he had to race against time to develop a relationship with Tang Xiaopang.

Tang Xiaonan was watching the video, it was Jackie Chan's comedy action movie, and she fell backwards laughing.

Huo Jinzhi sat next to her, turned down the volume, and said to her: "Lin Ranran's identity is not ordinary, if she provokes you again in the future, don't confront her head-on, but don't bear it, afterward. tell me."

Tang Xiaonan was curious, "What does her family do? Be a high official?"

"Remember what I said about the four major families in the imperial capital? The Lin family is one of them, and Lin Ranran belongs to the Lin family, and is the granddaughter that Mrs. Lin loves the most, but Mr. Lin has ordinary feelings for her."

Tang Xiaonan frowned, no wonder Lin Ranran was so tugging, and dared to lean against the mountains.

"What does this Lin family in the imperial capital have to do with the Lin family in Songcheng?"

"It's a relative."

Tang Xiaonan frowned, no wonder Lin Ranran was so tugging, and dared to lean against the mountains.

"What does this Lin family in the imperial capital have to do with the Lin family in Songcheng?"

"It's a relative."

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