Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1669: Lin Ranran's embarrassing position

Tang Xiaonan heard in a fog, "You mean, Lin Ranran is only loved by Mrs. Lin in the Lin family, and others don't like her?"

"It can't be said that, her parents must like it, but her parents' position in the Lin family is a bit awkward, and they are not favored by the second elder of the Lin family."

Huo Jinzhi explained the situation of the Lin family in detail, and Tang Xiaonan finally understood.

The old man of the Lin family had two wives. Like the old man from Songcheng, he was a rural woman married by his parents in his hometown. His relationship was not deep. Back home again.

Lin Ranran's father, Lin Jianwei, was born by the second wife, who is now the old lady of the Lin family. He and Mr. Lin are a revolutionary husband and wife, but the old lady is a member of the art troupe. It is said that she looks very beautiful, and she is ten years younger than the old man.

But when Lin Jianwei was born, it happened to catch up with the transfer of the troops led by Mr. Lin. The environment was very difficult and dangerous, and it was very inconvenient to carry a newborn baby. Therefore, Lin Jianwei was fostered in a local farmer's house and was brought back after liberation. At that time, Lin Jianwei was already ten years old. Years old, and has two more younger siblings, and an older brother.

Originally, the second elder of the Lin family felt guilty for Lin Jianwei, so he took good care of him, but Lin Jianwei was really an unhelpful douchebag. His daughter-in-law is also a small family, and cannot be favored by the two elders.

"Why does Lin Ranran get the favor of Mrs. Lin?"

Tang Xiaonan really couldn't understand, that girl Lin Ranran didn't look like she was likable. Since Mrs. Lin was fair to her parents, how could she suddenly fall in love with this granddaughter?

The Lin family has a great career, and I think there is no shortage of granddaughters, right?

"It seems that Lin Ranran rescued Mrs. Lin when she was a child. The old lady fell down in the garden once. There was no one at home, and the situation was a bit critical. Lin Ranran, who was only six years old at the time, happened to see it, and went out and asked the people to send the old man in time. The hospital that people went to, since then, the old lady has looked at Lin Ranran in a different way, like a jewel like a treasure."

Huo Jinzhi explained the reason, which was what Lin Hua said on the phone just now.

Tang Xiaonan nodded, "I see, I will avoid Lin Ranran in the future."

People don't fight with officials. Although Huo Jinzhi is rich, he can't fight against the Lin family. She should bear it.

"Don't feel wronged. Lin Ranran's family is just a clown in the Lin family. The real head of the Lin family is Mr. Lin. This old man doesn't like Lin Ranran, but he likes another granddaughter, Lin Weiwei."

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Huo Jinzhi didn't want to wrong his daughter-in-law. If he was in the imperial capital, he would definitely not persuade Tang Xiaonan to avoid Lin Ranran. With his friendship with Lin Hua, he didn't need to avoid Lin Ranran.

It's a pity that he will go abroad next month, and many things can't be grasped in time. He is worried that Tang Xiaonan will suffer, so he persuades him.

Huo Jinzhi added: "Master Lin has gradually transferred power to his eldest son Lin Jiangang. I have a good relationship with Lin Jiangang's son Lin Hua, so you don't need to be afraid of Lin Ranran, just don't easily confront her head-on, but if Lin Ranran doesn't give up, don't be afraid, you can call Lin Hua."

"Will it be too troublesome?" Tang Xiaonan was afraid of causing trouble for Huo Jinzhi.

She knew that the friendship between Huo Jinzhi and Lin Hua, the children of high-ranking officials, was actually a chain of interests. Human favors were used less once, but they couldn't be wasted on her.

"Stupid, the more you use it, the more you have it, listen to me."

Huo Jinzhi pinched her nose and asked Tang Xiaonan to promise not to wrong him, and he was relieved.

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