The next day, all the freshmen had to go to military training and were not allowed to bring snacks. Aunt Yang had a lot of snacks in the bag, so Tang Xiaonan had to take them all out, and the bag was half empty.

The car picked up the new students to the military training camp. In the garrison in the suburbs, the instructor was also arranged by Team B for a month. The dormitory was very large and could sleep 12 people. Bunk beds.

Tang Xiaonan was in the upper bunk, Lin Ranran was in the lower bunk, the instructor would not allow him to change, he said that if he entered the B team, he had to abide by the rules. Will pity Xiangxiyu, treat male and female students equally.

After a few days of military training, all the classmates were so tired that they became dogs. Their legs were like lead filled with lead. They could not walk up the stairs.

Tang Xiaonan also felt tired, but she could endure it. Instructor He was just stern on the surface, but in fact, she was very measured. She couldn't bear it and wouldn't force her. I don't know if it was her illusion.

For example, sometimes her movements are not standardized. Instructor He clearly saw it, but she didn't ask for it. She just pretended that she didn't see it. But if other students were not standardized, Instructor He would definitely point it out severely, and repeat the practice until the movements were standardized.

However, Tang Xiaonan would also practice secretly. On the last day of the military training, there was a square team competition, so she couldn't hold back.

When standing in the military posture, Tang Xiaonan sometimes moved, and Instructor He sometimes didn't say anything when he saw it, which made Tang Xiaonan feel uneasy. Afterwards, the military training was more serious. She couldn't live up to Instructor He's release.

The other classmates didn't notice it. After all, Instructor He just released a little water, but Lin Ranran saw it. She had been staring at Tang Xiaonan, and because she often made mistakes, she was always criticized by Instructor He and brought it out on her own. After practicing with punishment, Lin Ranran was so angry that she believed that Instructor He was covering up Tang Xiaonan.

Standing in the military posture that day, Lin Ranran's back was bent and her legs were bent, and she was severely criticized by Instructor He. She spoke very rudely. Lin Ranran's eyes suddenly turned red, and she had never been wronged by this at home.

"Tang Xiaonan also bent her legs, why didn't you punish her? You and her are in the same group, staring at me all day long!"

Lin Ranran couldn't hold back her explosive temper. She just bent her legs. Although she had been bent for a long time, she didn't do it on purpose. Why did she murder her in front of so many classmates?

Instructor He's face turned even darker. If Lin Ranran wasn't a female classmate, he would have kicked him a long time ago.

From the beginning of the military training to the present, this Lin Ranran has not been regulated for a day, standing without standing, walking without being out of shape, just like no bones, although Tang Xiaonan made a few mistakes, but many times it is standard, and occasionally make small mistakes of course It can be tolerated, not to mention the company commander has specially explained it.

"Lin Ranran comes out!"

Instructor He shouted angrily, and all the students were startled and panicked, not daring to say a word.

Tang Xiaonan's head is also very big. She did bend a little bit just now. Her legs were sore and she changed her posture. It took less than a second. Lin Ranran couldn't be a leech, and she kept staring at her. It was really annoying.

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"Why do you only ask me to come out alone, and I will be punished together with Tang Xiaonan!"

Lin Ranran screamed even louder, she was not convinced, just a small soldier, what a face!

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