Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1671: know who my grandpa is

Tang Xiaonan's head got bigger, and Lin Ranran made it clear that she was going to drag her into the water. She couldn't admit that she had bent her legs just now, otherwise, it would hurt Instructor He.

Instructor He's face was sinking like water, and he said, "Lin Ranran is out!"

The voice was raised an octave, and the other classes could hear it, and several instructors came over.

"I won't list, you and Tang Xiaonan are in the same group, you protect Tang Xiaonan, don't think I didn't see it, you are in the same group, Tang Xiaonan obviously has a bent leg, if you don't punish her, just punish me, you know my grandfather is Whoever doesn't, I'll let you become a soldier, go back to your hometown to grow sweet potatoes!"

Lin Ranran was angry and aggrieved, and the words she said were stupid. The faces of several instructors turned black and their eyes became sharp.

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"I don't care who your grandfather is, since you are in Team B, you must abide by the rules of Team B and obey the orders of your superiors. Now I order you to come out!" Instructor He stood straighter, not afraid at all.

Even if he really can't be a soldier, he has to let this delicate female classmate know what absolute obedience is.

The eldest miss goes home and plays with her temper, don't play with him.

Someone went to inform Teacher Shu, and Teacher Shu hurried over. She probably knew Lin Ranran's background and was worried that it would really implicate Instructor He, so she dragged Instructor He and persuaded him privately.

"Since she can't bear the hardships of military training, let her quit my company and go home to be her eldest lady. When she comes to me, she has to obey my command. Team B will not want a soldier who does not obey the command!"

Instructor He is also a stubborn temper, he doesn't accept softness, he doesn't care who Grandpa Lin Ranran is, anyway, when it comes to his subordinates, he has to obey absolutely, otherwise get out!

Teacher Shu sighed inwardly. When the school forced Lin Ranran into her class, she knew that there would be trouble in the future, but the trouble came too soon.

There was a lot of commotion about this, and the leaders of Team B were alarmed. They heard about the background of Lin Ranran's family from Teacher Shu, but they didn't dare to punish Lin Ranran again. Lin Ranran bullied his soldiers.

She's just a yellow-haired girl, but she's running wild on his territory, and she wants to open his soldiers?

Humph, too crazy!

Even the eldest miss of the Lin family would not want to act recklessly on his territory.

So, the leader called his superior directly, and it was also Lin Ranran who was lucky. This leader used to be a soldier under her uncle Lin Jianwei, who was picked up by Lin Jianwei, so he could contact Lin Jianwei directly.

The leader didn't add oil and jealousy, but just reported Lin Ranran's situation truthfully, including the stupid things she said.

"This kind of trivial matter also needs to be reported? You have gone back more and more over the years? Since it has entered your territory, it is your soldier. How should a soldier who does not obey orders be dealt with, and come to ask for instructions? You? If you can't do a little thing, just go back to your hometown to farm!"

As soon as Lin Jianwei heard the worry about his niece, he scolded his subordinates in a **** way, M's, he came to him for even bigger things, is he so busy?

The leader who was scolded like his grandson was very happy. He knew how to deal with it, and assured Lin Jianwei that he would deal with it strictly and never show favoritism.

"As a member of the Lin family, you must be stricter than ordinary soldiers. You can do whatever you want. If you call again for this kind of **** in the future, I will call you right away!"

Lin Jianwei hung up the phone and was so angry that he smoked half a cigarette and chewed half a packet of tea, lest his wife would find him when he got home, and he would have to sleep on the sofa again.


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