Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1672: I won't like you no matter how much you dance

With Lin Jianwei's backing, Instructor He was no longer afraid and punished Lin Ranran for 20 laps.

"If you have a broken leg, you have to finish running, and you can't eat until you finish running!"

All the students were so frightened that they didn't dare to go out. After 20 laps, their legs would really break.

Lin Ranran couldn't believe her ears, how dare a little soldier let her run twenty laps?

Eat bear heart and leopard gall?

"You don't want to hang out with the B team? Do you know who my grandfather is? I want to call my grandma, don't drag me, I want to call, you abuse me..."

Lin Ranran jumped up and down like a clown, trying to call her grandma, who loved her the most, but she wasn't that stupid. She knew that her grandfather and uncle didn't like her, and only her grandma would stand up for her.

But Instructor He was holding her collar in one hand, and Lin Ranran was jumping under him, like a splashing monkey, without the temperament of a lady.

Tang Xiaonan couldn't help frowning. Just like the shrew in the market, the Lin family is a big family. How could they raise such a granddaughter?

There is nothing in her temperament and bearing that can match the title of Miss Lin Family.

To put it badly, the girl in the mountain nest, Miao Bamei, is more like everyone's young lady than Lin Ranran.

No matter what Lin Ranran did, she still had to run 20 laps obediently in the end, until it was dark, she was still running around on the training ground, taking a few steps to rest, with Instructor He standing beside her, standing like a pine tree. .

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It wasn't until nine o'clock in the evening that Lin Ranran ran 20 laps. It was Mi Aiyu who carried her back. Although her legs were not broken, they were almost there. When she returned to the dormitory, Lin Ranran was paralyzed on the bed, like a corpse. He held on, he didn't even have the strength to curse.

In the days that followed, Lin Ranran was much more honest, but now her hatred has been transferred to Tang Xiaonan, and she couldn't deal with Instructor He, so she specifically beat Tang Xiaonan, like chicken blood, without blinking.

"Report to the instructor, Tang Xiaonan's legs are bent!"

Standing in a military posture again that day, Lin Ranran shouted loudly and pointed at Tang Xiaonan.

Tang Xiaonan was so angry that she almost bit her teeth. Just now, she just changed her posture. She didn't move alone. Not so strict.

But Lin Ranran, this crazy woman is as annoying as a leech, staring at her, really want to beat this woman!

"Lin Ranran, which eye did you see me bent? Do you have big eyes or are you blind? Is it interesting to stare at others all day long? Take care of yourself first, look, your legs are bent into circles!"

Tang Xiaonan didn't want to endure it any longer. Lin Ranran has been provoking ten times these days. She didn't want to make trouble, so she endured it. This crazy woman thought she was really easy to bully!


I don't know who laughed out loud, and the other classmates also held back their laughter. Lin Ranran's legs were in a circle, and it was very obvious. She also hated other people's circles the most. Tang Xiaonan's words were too heart-wrenching.

"I saw both eyes, Tang Xiaonan, you moved just now!"

"I didn't move, it was you who went mad and wronged people. Lin Ranran, is it interesting that you have a sense of presence in front of me all day long? I won't like a person like you no matter how much you brush!"

"Who wants you to like it? Are you crazy? I feel sick when I see you!"

"Very good, I'm disgusted when I see you, please don't brush your presence in front of me in the future. Are you a monkey who jumped up?" Tang Xiaonan sneered.

In terms of lip service, ten Lin Ranran can't tell her, but she is the precious daughter of Xu Jinfeng, the number one mouthpiece in Mopan Mountain, and won the true legend!

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