Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1674: Little sparrow flying out of the phoenix nest

Lin Jianwei had just finished the meeting when he heard the subordinate's call, his face darkened, he pressed his temple hard, that is, he was not there, otherwise he would definitely slap Lin Ranran a few big ears.

The eldest lady's temper actually played on the B team, who gave her the guts?

"Chief, I can't do anything about it, Lin Ranran cried and clamored to open my soldiers, and said to let the old lady come over, she ran out by herself just now, do you think you brought your niece home? something happened..."

The leader didn't say anything later, he was just worried that Lin Ranran would have an accident on his site. This is a suburb, with mountains, lakes, and some small beasts. If something happened to Lin Ranran, the old lady of the Lin family couldn't spare him. .

"Let Lin Ranran answer the phone!"

Lin Jianwei did not train his subordinates. He understood the concerns of his subordinates, but he would not agree to let Lin Ranran go home. There were no deserters in the Lin family.

As long as you go to the battlefield, even if you die, you can't look back. This is the family motto of the Lin family.

Lin Ranran, with tears on her face, came over to answer the phone, feeling very proud. She thought it was her grandmother who called to support her. She must ask her grandmother to open the blind instructor He, and then let Tang Xiaonan get out of Imperial College. .

Hmph, what qualifications does a bumpkin have to grab a man from Sister Shishi?


But when she heard the majestic voice on the phone, Lin Ranran's face turned pale, and she was the second most feared uncle at home.

The first fear is the grandfather, the second fear is the uncle.

The uncle didn't even buy grandma's face, and he didn't even take her seriously. It was over.


Lin Ranran cried out uneasy, flustered, and cold sweat poured down her back.

"The prestige is very powerful, even my soldiers dare to open? Who gave you the power?"

"No... Uncle, they all bullied me, fined me 15 laps, and only fined my classmates 5 laps. I'm just not convinced." Lin Ranran defended with a very aggrieved tone.

She was really unconvinced.

In the past, all the stars held the moon, and everyone who saw her would compliment her, but when she got here, no one paid any attention to her at all.

"The instructor has a reason for punishing you. In team B, all you need to do is to obey, there is no reason, and there is no dissatisfaction. If you let me hear you making trouble again in the future, you can go back to your hometown to farm and don't go to college. , the Lin family can't afford to lose this face!"

Lin Jianwei didn't want to talk nonsense, and scolded him directly. He couldn't like this niece's family. He was stupid and lazy, and he didn't know any self-awareness.

If it weren't for the scruples of the old lady, he would have taken this family away a long time ago, so as not to stay in the imperial capital and be embarrassed.

Lin Ranran's tears came out again, and she didn't dare to refute, she answered honestly, but she hated Tang Xiaonan more and more in her heart.

When the military training was over, she told her grandmother to let her decide for her.

That day, Lin Ranran ran into the night again, and was so tired that she went back to the dormitory like a dead dog. Mi Aiyu even threw the bath water for her, but after that, Lin Ranran became more obedient and stopped staring at Tang Xiaonan. Day by day, the military training will soon be over.

The last day was the phalanx performance. After a month of training, the students were all enthusiastic and hoped to get good grades. Tang Xiaonan was the same. The collective sense of honor made everyone perform extremely well, even Lin Ranran performed very well.

The military training is finally over, and everyone is still reluctant to part, reluctant to part B team, and reluctant to part with the instructor.

"Tang Xiaonan, someone is looking for it!" Instructor He came over and said with a smile.

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