Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1675: Surprise turned out to be cousin

Tang Xiaonan is a little strange, who will come to her?

Is it Huo Jinzhi?

But she is going back soon, and she will meet soon, so what are you looking for her now?

It shouldn't be Huo Jinzhi. She thought of what Huo Jinzhi had mysteriously said before the military training, that there will be surprises here. Now that the military training is over, the surprise has not come. Could it be the surprise that Huo Jinzhi said?

"Instructor, who is looking for me?" Tang Xiaonan asked.

"You'll know when you go."

Instructor He sold off and refused to speak, making Tang Xiaonan even more itchy.

Lin Ranran has been paying attention. Seeing Tang Xiaonan and Instructor He go out, she quietly followed behind. She knew that there was something tricky between Tang Xiaonan and Instructor He, which was not what she expected.

In the corner of the training ground, there was a strong and familiar figure, wearing a military uniform and carrying a large bag in his hand, Tang Xiaonan was stunned for a moment, and his heart was filled with ecstasy, and rushed towards the figure.


Xu Guoqiang looked at his cousin who had grown taller with a smile, stretched out his hand to catch Tang Xiaonan, put it down and compared it on her head, "It has grown taller."

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"Cousin, why are you here? Aren't you in the south? Did you come to see me on purpose?" Tang Xiaonan asked chatteringly.

Since playing Xu Guoqiang to Team B, she has only met twice in the past few years, and it was only a quick one, but she knew that her cousin was doing well in Team B.

"I've been transferred here, and I can go to the city to see you after the holiday." Xu Guoqiang said with a smile, his eyes as doting as when he was a child.

He doesn't have a biological sister, his cousin is just like his biological sister, and he played together since he was a child, so his feelings are naturally deep.

Instructor He is his soldier, so he asks Instructor He to take care of his cousin. Of course, he can't violate discipline, just take care of him within an appropriate range.

Lin Ranran hid in the corner and stared jealously at the two brothers and sisters who were having an intimate conversation. She had broken teeth. She guessed right that Tang Xiaonan and Instructor He were in the same group, and they bullied her together.

Let her wait and see. After she went back, she told her grandmother, don't think about any of these people!

Xu Guoqiang had limited time, so he had to go back to train and see his cousin. He stuffed a bag of snacks into Tang Xiaonan, "Take it back to eat, and I'll visit you in the city later."

"Well, what's your phone number, cousin?"

Xu Guoqiang reported the phone number, Tang Xiaonan wrote it down, and asked with concern: "Cousin, do you have a partner? Last month, my aunt told my mother about this. She asked my mother to help me find a beautiful sister..."

"Okay, okay, hurry back to school!"

As soon as he heard about this, Xu Guoqiang's head became big. He was only twenty-five years old, not thirty-five. What's the hurry?

Tang Xiaonan giggled, "Goodbye cousin, goodbye Instructor He, I'll invite you to dinner in the future, I'm rich now."

"I know, you are a rich little woman, go back quickly, don't make trouble with that Lin Ranran." Xu Guoqiang told him that he was worried that his cousin would suffer.

"You know, she's the eldest miss of the Lin family. I won't make trouble with her, but Brother Huo told me not to bear it. If Lin Ranran goes too far, I won't bear it either." Tang Xiaonan acted coquettishly.

Xu Guoqiang was relieved, Huo Jinzhi never did anything unsure, since he said so, it should be all arranged.

After Tang Xiaonan left, Instructor He joked: "Company commander, you and your cousin are not at all alike, your cousin is so beautiful, you..."

"What's wrong with me? I'm called mighty, you know shit!"

Xu Guoqiang kicked his feet angrily, and he was also happy, and returned to the camp with Instructor He.

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