Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1676: enough to pay interest

After the military training, everyone began to study intensely and fulfillingly. The daily lessons were arranged tightly, not as easy as high school, or even more onerous.

Miao Bamei's work-study program has also been arranged. She organizes it in the library. She works for two hours every night, and she also goes on weekends. The monthly school subsidy is 50 yuan, which is enough for Miao Bamei to live.

But this amount of money is not enough, Miao Bamei still owes her tuition fees.

That's why Miao Bamei goes out to look for work on weekends, handing out flyers, posting advertisements, doing tutoring, washing dishes in restaurants, and working wherever she can earn money.

But she only has a little time on weekends, and usually has to study and work-study programs. The hours of part-time work are far from enough, and the money she earns is a drop in the bucket.

"Eighth sister, the mid-term exam is about to be taken, you better not go out to work and study at ease." Zheng Xiaohong kindly advised.

Imperial College has very strict requirements for credits. If you fail in the test, you will be downgraded. If you fail the test many times, you will even be dismissed by the school. If you don’t take the test, everything will be fine.

Miao Bamei scratched her hair, a little annoyed, "My tuition is still a lot worse."

She also wants to study with peace of mind, but she does not have this condition, she has to earn money.

The family couldn't count on it at all, and even counted on her to send money home, she had to grit her teeth to support it.

Tang Xiaonan frowned slightly. These days, the eighth sister Miao often studied until midnight, ran to read under the street lamps in the corridor, only slept for four or five hours a day, and her eyes were sunken. If this continued for a long time, the eighth sister Miao's body would definitely collapse.

But this girl is also arrogant, and she is willing to accept some small things, but tuition fees are absolutely not accepted.

Looking back, she asked Huo Jinzhi if there was any job suitable for Miao Bamei.

Tang Xiaonan felt a little sad, Huo Jinzhi was going to go abroad in a week, and he didn't know when he would be able to meet, at least half a year.

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She has never been separated from Huo Jinzhi for such a long time.


During dinner in the evening, Tang Xiaonan talked about Miao Bamei, Huo Jinzhi pondered for a while, and asked, "How is your classmate's foreign language level?"

"It's very good, and her spoken language is also very good. Eight sisters said that her junior high school English teacher was a rightist who was defeated. She was a foreign language professor at the university. She had studied abroad and taught her a lot."

Tang Xiaonan thought at first that Miao Bamei's English proficiency would not be very good. After all, she was from the mountain valley, and not everyone had the same luck as her, and could meet a master like Mr. Qi in the mountain village.

But it turned out that Miao Bamei's luck was quite good, and she also met a master, which was one of the reasons why she wanted to apply for the foreign language department of Imperial College.

Miao Bamei didn't mention other reasons. Tang Xiaonan felt that there were many secrets in this girl, and she came to the imperial capital for a purpose, not just to go to school.

Huo Jinzhi was also a little surprised, but since his English level is high, it will be easier to handle.

"I know people from the translation agency who can do some translation work for Miao Bamei. As long as she is of sufficient level, there is no need to worry about tuition and living expenses."

"Okay, thank you brother Huo!"

Tang Xiaonan thanked her happily. The translation is really good, the salary is high, and the time flexibility is high, which is perfect for Miao Bamei.

"Just verbally thank you?"

Huo Jinzhi lowered his head and leaned closer, his eyes burning hot.

Tang Xiaonan blushed and took the initiative to peck, but how could Huo Jinzhi be satisfied, and he didn't eat any food, so he reached out and grabbed it, put it on his lap, and deepened the kiss...

He was about to leave soon, he had to pay the principal, and the interest had to be counted.

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