A week later, Huo Jinzhi went to the United States, and Tang Xiaonan took him to the airport. The young couple couldn't part. Tang Aijun on the side was so sore that his teeth fell. He came back yesterday. The wolf cub took it away.

He was so angry that he had a fight with Huo Jinzhi last night, but unfortunately he couldn't fight. From childhood to adulthood, he and Huo Jinzhi never won a fight once.

No, there have also been moments of triumph.

It was when his sister had not reconciled with Huo Jinzhi. At that time, Huo Jinzhi was a poor little worm. The three-year-old baby in the village could beat him, and he could turn it over with a single finger.

But since his sister and Huo Jinzhi became one person, he never won again, and was beaten down by Huo Jinzhi every time.

Tang Aijun couldn't understand, he only went out to train for a month, how could his sister and Huo Jinzhi have such a good relationship?

In the end what happened?

"It's alright, alright, if you don't take the plane, you'll have to fly." Tang Aijun couldn't understand it, and urged sourly.

Tang Xiaonan sniffed, her eyes were red, she cried in the morning, and she hated parting the most.

Huo Jinzhi wiped her tears for her and sighed, how could he leave with confidence like this?

There are countless reasons to study in the United States, but there is only one reason to stay.

It was this fat girl who made him hang on the apex of his heart.

Without his personal company, how could he be at ease?

"Or... I'm not leaving?" Huo Jinzhi whispered, he really wanted to stay.

It doesn't matter if you don't go to Wall Street, you can do it in China as well.

Tang Xiaonan was startled and shook her head vigorously, "No, you can get on the plane, hurry up!"

She pushed Huo Jin on the plane hard, but it couldn't be because she affected the grand career of others. For some reason, she always felt that Huo Jin would become a special person in the future, maybe even the richest man.

She didn't know where the belief came from, but she just believed that Huo Jinzhi would be excellent, and she couldn't hold back her boyfriend.

Huo Jinzhi smiled helplessly, and scratched lightly on her fleshy nose, "Little conscience!"

"Don't be hard-pressed, I'm going to fly if you don't get on the plane!"

Tang Aijun screamed, and Huo Jinzhi didn't dare to stay any longer. He picked up his luggage and said to Tang Aijun, "Take care of Xiao Nan and call me if you have anything!"

"I know, Xiao Nan is my sister."

Tang Aijun waved his hand impatiently. His own younger sister still needs instructions, and she must be protected.


Tang Xiaonan couldn't help waving her hand, and when Huo Jinzhi's figure disappeared, her tears flowed down unsatisfactorily, her heart was filled with stones, and it was uncomfortable.

"It's not parting from life or death. What about crying like this? I really miss that guy. When the third brother takes you to the United States to find him after the holiday, the third brother is familiar there." Although Tang Aijun sneered, he cherished his sister in his heart.

He often goes to the United States for training camps, and he is really familiar with that pimple. If his sister wants to go, he will definitely be fine as a tour guide.


Tang Xiaonan blew her nose a few times, her eyes were as red as rabbits, and the tip of her nose was red. Tang Aijun was so distressed that she scolded Huo Jinzhi secretly, and made his sister so sad.

After Huo Jinzhi left, Tang Xiaonan couldn't keep up his spirits. He was sullen every day, and he didn't want to say anything. After half a month, he recovered his spirits, and he went home less often. There was nothing important. Basically, he was at school. .

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