Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1685: unjust case

Miao Bamei told her father's story again. Tang Xiaonan was very embarrassed when she heard it, but she admired Miao Bamei even more. Even in such a difficult environment, she was able to get into the highest institution with good grades.

Not to mention how high the IQ is, this perseverance and determination to not yield to adversity is really rare.

Tang Xiaonan asked herself if she was in the situation of Miao Bamei, she would definitely not be able to do it.

Maybe she will go with the flow, like other girls in the village, marry and have children when she is old, and live an ordinary life in the mountain village.

"Your father's case is obviously an unjust case, doesn't your local public security bureau care?" Tang Xiaonan didn't understand.

Such a rough frame, even if she is not a criminal policeman, she can see it, but the public security bureau really can't see it?

And the other party is just a small village chief, can he cover the whole county with only one hand?

The village chief of Miao Bamei's hometown, because of Miao Bamei's unwillingness to compromise, made his granddaughter unable to go to a high school. This old man has always hated in his heart. Two years ago, he finally thought of a sinister solution.

This old man instigated his daughter-in-law to hide in the Miao family's cornfield on purpose, and looked disheveled. Then the village chief asked someone to call his father Miao, saying that wild boars had entered the cornfield of his family, and Miao father thought it was true. Yes, worried that the wild boar had eaten the ration, and hurried to the cornfield.

As soon as he got in, he was hugged by the village chief's daughter-in-law. Before Miao's father could react, the village chief's son brought a group of villagers over. He couldn't help but spit out blood, slandering Miao's father for wanting to force his wife.

The village chief's daughter-in-law also cried and said that Miao's father dragged her to drill into the cornfield and stripped her clothes, which had already strengthened her.

Miao’s father was speechless. Those villagers were all bought by the village chief’s coercion and lure. When the police came to collect evidence, the villagers said that they had seen Miao’s father force the village head’s daughter-in-law, and there was no chance for Miao’s father to speak.

Even if he opened his mouth, no one believed that he was innocent. At that time, there was a severe crackdown. The crime of **** was very serious, and the death penalty was likely to be sentenced.

"Has your father been sentenced?" Tang Xiaonan asked with concern.

"Sentenced, with reprieve. Last year, my dad performed well and changed it to indefinite." Eighth Miao smiled bitterly, but she felt a little more relaxed.

These things were like a boulder pressing on her heart. She hadn't been relieved for a day in those two years. She always felt that she had harmed her father.

If she didn't do that, and gave the village chief's granddaughter the admission notice from No. 1 Middle School, her father would not be in trouble. The big deal was that she would repeat another year and re-examine the No. 1 High School. She was confident that she would be admitted.

"I couldn't take my breath at that time. Why should I give the notice to others? It's obviously my notice, and I passed the test based on my ability.

Miao Bamei sucked her nose and raised her head. There was water in her eyes, but it didn't flow down.

Since her father's accident, she has warned herself, and she has only shed blood and no tears since then.

Tang Xiaonan didn't feel good either. Compared with what happened to Miao Bamei, her life was like being in a honeypot. She had to help this girl with a rough fate.

"It's me who implicated Dad. If I were softer then, don't go against the village chief..."

"It's not your fault, you did the right thing, it's the village chief and his family that's wrong. You're not wrong at all, and your father won't blame you either." Tang Xiaonan comforted sincerely.

What's wrong with Miss Miao?

She just wanted to go to school on her own merits, it was the village chief's disgusting family who was wrong!

And the villagers who helped the tyrants!

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