Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1686: wrong life

Miao Bamei smiled, with a bitter smile, and turned around to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes. When she turned back, her expression became very calm.

"Well, my dad said the same thing. He told me not to compromise. Even if he died, he couldn't compromise with the village chief. His greatest hope was to see me and my younger brothers and sisters get out of the mountains and do the right thing. Socially useful people."

When Miao Bamei mentioned her father, her face was full of admiration. It could be seen that she had a good relationship with her father.

"My father is a private teacher. He can play erhu, play trivia, and write couplets, all of which he taught himself. He is very smart, and his grades were among the best in school. Bad, I won't marry my father."

Miao Bamei has hatred in her eyes. She has hated her grandparents since she was a child, even hatred.

Later, she learned that the two old things that eat people and don't spit out bones are not her own grandparents. She is actually happy, but she also feels sorry for her father.

If it weren't for the selfishness of the two old people, with her father's cleverness, she would definitely be able to go to college and have a great prospect, and she would not have been framed by the village chief and imprisoned.

Tang Xiaonan was angry when she heard it, how could there be such a selfish and vicious person, she said she would help eighth sister Miao find her grandparents.

"Don't worry, I will definitely be able to help you find your grandparents. Don't tell anyone about this, and I won't tell anyone else." Tang Xiaonan urged.

"Well, I told you."

Miao Bamei nodded. She is not that stupid. With so many students in the class, she only believes in Tang Xiaonan. She asked again, "I want to tell Teacher Shu about Sun Jinling that I hate her!"

She hates all thieves who steal the fruits of other people's labor!

Moreover, Sun Jinling's father is also the village head, so it is conceivable how rampant and domineering this family is in the village.

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Miao Bamei can even imagine how sad the real Sun Jinling is now. This is the Imperial Capital University. A golden opportunity to change the fate was stolen like this.

Tang Xiaonan nodded, "I hate her too, let's talk to Teacher Shu together."

You can't let the impostor be happy, why?

After lunch, Tang Xiaonan asked Miao Bamei to go home with her. She wanted to call Huo Jinzhi across the ocean. There was a two-and-a-half-hour break at noon, which was enough for her to make a call.

At this time, it was night in the United States, and Huo Jinzhi must not have slept.

Tang Xiaonan went to the carport and launched her bicycle. It was a light blue women's car. She often rode home for dinner, or called Huo Jinzhi.

Ten minutes later, they arrived home. Seeing the exquisite courtyard, Miao Bamei was a little surprised. Tang Xiaonan was richer than the 10,000-yuan household in her county, but she didn't have any airs.

As soon as the door was opened, Yuanbao rushed up like a bullet, with two front paws on Tang Xiaonan, and kept begging for hugs and pets. They were already big dogs, and they liked to act like a child.

Daju was lying on the wall of the courtyard coldly, looking at Yuanbao with disgust, but when he looked at Tang Xiaonan, he became soft and flattering again, so fat that his eyes were narrowed into slits, and it was a lump on the wall. Not moving at all.

"This is Yuanbao, that is Daju, my playmate when I was young."

Tang Xiaonan introduced a good friend, Miao Bamei also likes Yuanbao, and she had a good time with Yuanbao after a while. Aunt Yang was weeding in the garden, and she smiled when she saw Miao Bamei.

"Is Xiaonan coming for dinner tonight?"

"Don't eat, I'm calling back, this is my classmate Miao Bamei."

Tang Xiaonan went directly to the house to make a phone call, and Aunt Yang went to get melon seed candy to entertain. Eighth Miao was a little cautious. It was the first time she saw such a luxuriously decorated room. The sofa was unbelievably soft, and she didn't dare to sit. Too hard, afraid that the sofa will be broken, and the body is tense.

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