Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1694: Lin Family's Scholar Gene

Tang Xiaonan and Miao Bamei got into Lin Hua's car. Lin Hua was very young, about twenty-seven or eighty-eight.

The first time Lin Hua saw the eighth sister Miao, she knew that the eighth sister Miao was the real granddaughter of the old lady.

Because Miao Bamei and the old lady are too similar.

There are photos of the old lady at home when she was young. It was taken during the performance. She has two horns braided. She is very young, and it was almost carved out of the same mold as Miao Bamei.

The old lady always said that Lin Ranran looked like her, but this was just self-deception, Lin Ranran's stupid thing had nothing to do with the old lady.

"My name is Lin Hua, and I'm the third in the family. You can call me the third brother." Lin Hua smiled gently.

He saw that the two little girls were very nervous, especially Miao Bamei, who clenched her fists all the way.

"Hello third brother, my name is Tang Xiaonan, this is my classmate Miao Bamei." Tang Xiaonan took the initiative to introduce.

"I'll call you Xiao Nan, Jinzhi and I are good friends."

"I also often hear him mention the third brother, saying that the third brother has helped him a lot in business and is his good teacher and friend." Tang Xiaonan flattered, this is the son of a top family. .

Lin Hua burst out laughing, "You can talk more than Jinzhi, that kid Jinzhi speaks like a knife, stabbing people to death."

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"He's just stupid. Third brother, don't know him in the same way."

"Haha... Don't worry, I have a deep friendship with Jinzhi, so I won't care."

Lin Hua couldn't help laughing, but this fat girl was devoted to Huo Jin, no wonder that kid treats his daughter-in-law as a treasure and wants to carry it in his pocket.

He drove to a private restaurant. It was a very secret place. Ordinary people definitely didn't know about this place. The people who came to eat were the rich and powerful. It is said that the owner of the restaurant was the royal chef in the palace. He specialized in cooking for the emperor. Very good, Lin Hua often comes here to eat.

"Young Master Lin, please, the dishes are already being prepared, and I will have them right away."

The boss greeted him warmly, only glanced at Tang Xiaonan and Miao Bamei, then looked away, without asking a word, he just cooked and ignored other business affairs.

Lin Hua took them to the box, and it didn't take long for the boss to come in with the dishes. The table was full, with all the colors and flavors. Just smelling the smell made me salivate.

"Eat first, this is the craftsmanship of the royal chef, and the taste is not bad." Lin Hua greeted with a smile.

Miao Bamei didn't have the heart to eat, she wanted to know about her grandparents, but Lin Hua didn't mention it, and she didn't want to ask first, so she had to eat first. Miao Bamei ate a lot and felt warm on her body.

Lin Hua didn't eat a few bites, moved a few chopsticks, and looked at the eighth sister Miao throughout the whole process. She was able to take the entrance exam to the University of God. It is said that she is still the number one scholar in the county seat.

The old man was admitted to Imperial College that year, and he gave up writing and joined the army after only one year of study. However, the genes of academic dominance are there, so the children of the Lin family are all good at school, except for Lin Ranran's room.

"Eighth sister, do you have a photo of your father?" Lin Hua suddenly asked.

"Yes, I brought it."

Eighth sister Miao was already prepared, she dug out the only family photo from her bag, which was taken on her father's 40th birthday. She handed the photo to Lin Hua with both hands.

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