Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1695: 89 of 10 is a cousin

The photo was taken in the photo studio. In the middle were Miao Bamei's parents. In front of Miao's mother and Miao's father stood a small one, Miao Bamei's younger brother and sister. She was standing in the back. Aged, is the eldest of the family.

There are two younger siblings below, they are twins, ten years old this year.

When Lin Hua saw Father Miao, his pupils shrank. Father Miao was very similar to the old man. His father was not particularly like the old man. all alike.

No need to check any more, this eighth sister Miao is his cousin nine times out of ten.

"Your three sisters?" Lin Hua asked.

"Well, I'm the eldest, my younger siblings are twins, they are nine years old." Miao Bamei replied.

"Is your grandfather's name Miao Dachuan? Grandma's name is Jin Yuxiang?" Lin Hua asked again.

Miao Bamei was stunned for a moment, nodded vigorously, and looked a little excited. Could it be that she is really the Lin family?

Lin Hua was also a little excited, but his tone was still calm, and he asked with concern, "Is your father healthy?"

Miao Bamei's eyes were red, and she shook her head, "It's not good, Dad was in jail and sentenced to death, and now it's changed to life."

"What's the matter? What happened to your father?" Lin Hua was shocked, but Huo Jinzhi didn't tell him about it.

His first reaction must have been injustice.

It is impossible for the people of the Lin family to do anything against the law.

Miao Bamei explained the cause and effect, Lin Hua gritted his teeth, if his second uncle was really just a commoner, I'm afraid he would really go to jail.

"Don't worry, I will have someone check it out. Your father will be fine, trust me." Lin Hua assured.

Without hesitation, she chose to trust Miao Bamei.

Miao Bamei's throat was choked up, and she couldn't help shedding tears. She lay on the table and cried her heart out. Dad was finally able to come out and the family could be reunited.

"I'm happy... I'm so happy, I've been holding back for two years, and I'm finally in the early stages, thank you!"

Miao Bamei didn't cry for too long. She wiped her tears and bowed to Lin Hua. No matter whether Lin Hua was her relative or not, she would like to thank this noble son.

"Don't be like this, Eighth Sister, I won't turn around with you anymore. You are probably my cousin, but there is no evidence yet, so I can't recognize you, but I will find out about it and I will give it to your family. justice."

"As long as my dad can come out, I want to find my grandparents, but also to save my dad."

Miao Bamei smiled shyly. She is not too longing for the power of the Lin family. She believes that with her own ability, she will be able to stand out in the future. She has this confidence.

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"No, the bloodline of the Lin family should not be confused. This matter must be investigated clearly. Don't make any public statements about this matter. I will find out as soon as possible." Lin Hua said very seriously.

Lin Jianwei's family has been occupying the magpie's nest for decades, and it should have been moved.

After dinner, Lin Hua sent Tang Xiaonan and the others back to school, and drove straight back to the compound. Mr. Lin and Mrs. Lin were both at home, and Lin Ranran was there. They had just had dinner.

"Have you eaten Xiaohua?" Mrs. Lin's name is Chen Xuezhen. Although she is old, she can still see the beauty of the past, with a gentle and elegant temperament.

Chen Xuezhen is a lady in her own right. She also had passion when she was young. She went to join the revolution without telling her family. She has been working in the art troupe. Later, she married Mr. Lin. The relationship between her husband and wife is very good. She has a good relationship with Lin Jiangang's room. , Lin Hua and his brothers all respect Chen Xuezhen.

Only Lin Ranran did not dare to be harsh with the old lady's favor.

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