Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1697: Disappointed

The old man and Lin Hua went upstairs, Lin Ranran breathed a sigh of relief, but tears flowed down, looking at Chen Xuezhen aggrievedly, "Grandma... I really want to study hard, but I don't understand, nor won't do..."

"You didn't even listen to the class, did you study hard?" Chen Xuezhen no longer believed her granddaughter's words.

Just like the wolf is coming, Lin Ranran talks too much, she is not a fool, how could she be deceived again and again?

"I... I don't understand..." Lin Ranran defended in a low voice.

"Don't go to class if you don't understand it? How did you promise me back then? You said that you must study hard when you go to Imperial College, and don't embarrass the Lin family. I believed your words and had the cheek to ask someone to find a relationship. The first time I walked through the back door was for you, and I lost all my old face, so that's how you repaid me?"

Chen Xuezhen raised her voice and her face was full of anger. It was the first time Lin Ranran saw her grandma make such a big fire.

"Don't cry, your tears are worthless!"

Seeing Lin Ranran's arrogant appearance with her neck shrunken and crying, Chen Xuezhen was even more angry. Although she looks soft and beautiful, she is actually soft on the outside and tough on the inside. went to join the revolution.

In fact, she also knew that Lin Ranran was not good enough, but she always comforted herself that the child was still young, and she grew up coddled, and it was inevitable that she would be sensible later, and she would be fine when she grew up.

But after waiting year after year, Lin Ranran went to college, and before the day she became sensible, Chen Xuezhen's heart became colder and colder, until today it broke out completely, berating her granddaughter for the first time.


Lin Ranran was crying and burping, her face was covered with tears and snot. Chen Xuezhen's heart flashed with impatience, and she didn't want to see her granddaughter's too ordinary face.

When she was a child, she could still be said to be cute, but now that she has grown up, she can't say how cute she is. The truth is that she looks average, and she is as ordinary as her eldest son.

Chen Xuezhen was even more irritable. She gave birth to two sons and one daughter. The eldest was Lin Ranran's father, Lin Jiangang, and she was the only son who was fostered outside. Perhaps it was because she was not raised by her side. To this eldest son, Chen Xuezhen Just can't get close.

Her other children are also different from Lin Jiangang, the eldest brother. Instead, they have a better relationship with Lin Jianwei. Lin Jiangang is like an outsider at home and will never integrate into the Lin family.

It's like every time the Lin family gets together, everyone is chatting and laughing. The atmosphere is very harmonious. As soon as Lin Jiang joins in, he immediately cools off. But this eldest son doesn't have any self-awareness yet and always likes to come over, but he doesn't know that he is actually a special suspect. .

Chen Xuezhen sighed, and his anger subsided. Seeing Lin Ranran's tears streaming down her face, her heart softened. After all, she is her granddaughter.

"I'll go and persuade your grandfather to give you one last chance. If you're still the same as before, I can't protect you."

"Thank you grandma... I will definitely study hard... hiccup..."

Lin Ranran breathed a sigh of relief and became happy again, but seeing that Chen Xuezhen was still stern, she didn't dare to watch TV anymore, she pretended to do her homework, and ran back to her room to read romance novels.

Chen Xuezhen shook his head helplessly. How sincere can his granddaughter's promise be?

I'm afraid it's empty talk, but I can't really let this child drop out of school!


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