Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1698: spring rolls

Tang Xiaonan took Miao Bamei back to her residence. Tomorrow is the weekend, students can leave the school, and Miao Bamei is too excited to live in the dormitory. It is better to live with her.

Aunt Yang also likes Miao Bamei very much, and thinks that this girl is a sincere person with a very positive look.

"What do you want for a snack in the evening? Dumplings, wontons, or dumplings, or spring rolls?" Aunt Yang asked enthusiastically.

These days, Tang Xiaonan doesn't live at home. Although her life is easy, it's too boring to be alone, and she doesn't like to go shopping. It's not interesting to watch too much TV.

"What do you want to eat?" Tang Xiaonan asked Eighth Sister Miao.

She seldom eats late-night snacks at night, and the food tonight was so delicious that she ate a lot more than she knew it, and her stomach would still hold up.

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"I can do whatever I want, I don't need to eat, I'm not hungry." Miao Bamei was a little embarrassed.

In fact, she can still eat. Although she eats a lot at night, she has always had a big appetite, and she has been short of oil for a long time.

"How can you not eat it, young people should eat more, let me fry spring rolls for you."

Aunt Yang went to fry spring rolls with great enthusiasm. During the day, she made a lot of them. Tang Xiaonan didn't eat sweet stuffing. All she made was salty stuffing, shredded cabbage, shredded fungus, shredded carrots, and shredded pork. Very fresh.

Not long after, Aunt Yang came with a plate of golden spring rolls. She fried a lot, and the plate was full, and it looked delicious.

Miao Bamei took half a bite, and the delicious soup burst in her mouth. She was not particularly hungry at first, but her appetite was suddenly aroused.

"It's delicious, it's the first time I've eaten this, and the name is nice."

Miao Bamei is full of praise. It is really delicious. She has never eaten such a delicious snack. Even a fruit candy is a luxury wish at home. The snacks that she and her younger siblings often eat are cooked. After the meal, the sweet potato and or taro are buried in the fire pit and roasted until fragrant. For them, it is the supreme delicacy.

"Eat more if it's delicious. If it's not enough, I'll fry it again. I've packed a lot."

Aunt Yang is very happy, she likes to watch young people eat with big gulps, and it looks delicious.

Tang Xiaonan is a good girl everywhere, but she is not active in eating, and eats a little bit every time, just like cat food.

Tang Xiaonan was also aroused by Miao Bamei's appetite. She ate only two of them. It was really delicious. However, she only ate two of them and didn't eat them. She had to eat less at night.

"Xiao Nan, do you eat so much?" Miao Bamei felt strange, why not eat such delicious food, she can eat a large plate.

"I'm full, you can finish it."

Tang Xiaonan touched her stomach, and both of them were holding up well. Under her deliberate control over the years, her appetite has been very small, otherwise she must be a big fat man.

She always felt that she was likely to become a big fat man, and she didn't know how she came to feel. She often had some deja vu scenes, maybe it was her previous life?

Miao Bamei finished a plate of spring rolls unceremoniously, and hiccupped with satisfaction, Aunt Yang wanted to fry it, but she refused, "I'm really full, it's all over my throat, Auntie, don't fry it. "

"I will eat dumplings tomorrow morning. I made shepherd's purse dumplings, and they are fresh."

Aunt Yang held the empty plate and walked away with a smile, feeling very satisfied, because Eighth Miao eats too much to her heart, and the dumplings in the refrigerator are expected to be emptied early tomorrow.

"Xiao Nan, is that Lin family Lin Ranran's family?" Miao Bamei finally couldn't help asking.

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