Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1700: recognize each other

"I'll go to your place. I'll be there in an hour."

The old man acted resolutely, arranged the meeting time, hung up the phone, and asked Lin Hua to take him to Tang Xiaonan's place. He couldn't wait to meet his granddaughter.

If it wasn't too late last night, he could have come to the door at night. As soon as he saw Father Miao in the photo last night, he was 100% sure that it was his son. Father Miao was actually not like him, but more like his father and his son. It was printed out of a mold when my father was young.

The old man has no time to regret now. If he could have checked more, maybe his son would not have suffered so much.

But who would have thought that such a simple farmer would do such an unconscionable thing?

Listening to the beeping sound in the microphone, Tang Xiaonan realized after a long while that the old man was coming to her house.

As soon as her scalp tightened, Tang Xiaonan jumped up and shouted, "Aunt Yang, there is a guest coming. In an hour, take out the best tea."

"Who is coming?"

Aunt Yang took out the Yuqian Longjing from the cabinet, and Huo Jinzhi only got a couple of taels, a treasure that money can't buy.

"Very important guest, Aunt Yang, clean up the living room, I'll go find Eighth Sister."

Tang Xiaonan hurriedly went to find Bamei Miao. Seeing that she was so nervous, Aunt Yang also became nervous. She quickly wiped the already clean living room with a rag, and also swept the yard.

Miao Bamei woke up a long time ago. She was reading in the room. Tang Xiaonan told her about the old man's coming. .

"Xiao Nan, can you cut your hair? Help me to fix it, this dog can't see anyone."

No matter how she looked at it, Miao Bamei felt that she was ugly, and she wanted to show the best side to the old man.

"I don't know how to fix it. That's fine. You are naturally beautiful and your bald head looks good. Hurry up and have breakfast. The old man will be here soon."

Tang Xiaonan also hurriedly changed her clothes, and then washed up. After breakfast, she and Miao Bamei waited for the old man to come to the door.

There were still five minutes before the one hour that the old man said, Miao Bamei was restless, went outside to take a look, and then walked around the house, making Tang Xiaonan dizzy.

Aunt Yang let out the wind outside, and when she saw the license plate number ending in three 8s, she knew that the guests were coming, and hurried out to greet them.

"Old gentleman, please come to the house, Xiao Nan has been waiting for a long time."

The old man smiled politely, walked very fast, and was in the same mood, Lin Hua followed behind him.

Tang Xiaonan heard the voice outside, dragged eight sister Miao and went to wait at the door. After a while, she saw this legendary old man with her own eyes. He was indeed very refined, more like a university professor, but his eyes were sharp and not angry. Self power.

"Hello, Grandpa Lin." Tang Xiaonan called respectfully.

Miao Bamei opened her mouth, not knowing what it was called, she suddenly got stuck.

But she didn't have to scream anymore. The old man was so excited when he saw her, and murmured, "Yes, that's it, exactly like your grandma..."

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The appearance of Miao Bamei is very similar to that of Chen Xuezhen back then. The old man fell in love with Chen Xuezhen's performance for the first time, and his mind has always been imprinted with Chen Xuezhen's face when he was young. At this time, he overlapped with Miao Bamei.

"Child, I am your grandfather, and I have suffered all these years."

The old man is very guilty. It's all his fault, causing his children to be bullied and humiliated. If Miao Bamei hadn't been promising, maybe he would not be able to reunite with his own son in this life, and his son would be wronged for the rest of his life.

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