Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1701: I won't come to the capital to live

Miao Bamei's eyes were hot, but her heart was sour. She opened her mouth, but she still couldn't make a sound.

Tang Xiaonan lightly stabbed her. Now is a good opportunity to gain a good impression. Miao Bamei sniffed and asked in a hoarse voice, "Are you really my grandfather?"

"That's right, I'm your grandfather. Your grandma is at home. She doesn't know about it yet, and her heart is not very good." Elder Lin explained.

Miao Bamei's tears flowed involuntarily, more and more, she didn't feel wronged at first, she had never felt wronged for so many years, but seeing the old man, she couldn't help but feel wronged.

Tears flowed out uncontrollably, and her voice became hoarse. Miao Bamei squatted on the ground, holding her head and crying.

Crying for her father, but also for her mother, younger siblings, and herself, the bitterness of these years can't be explained even for three days and three nights.

The girl's suppressed crying is more uncomfortable than crying. Everyone can feel her sadness and grievance, and you don't need to ask to know how difficult it has been for the Miao Bamei family over the years.

And how much pressure Miao Bamei endured, the average girl would definitely not be able to bear it.

Mr. Lin looked at Bamei Miao with pity, but he was very relieved. This is her own granddaughter. She is smart and strong. Even if she is in the abyss, she can climb out with her tenacity and hard work.

It's not like the fake at home, there is nothing like him and Xuezhen, blame him... Why don't you have any doubts?

If he had found out early that his son had been dropped by those unscrupulous people, his own son would not have suffered so much, and he would not have been imprisoned.

"Good boy, cry, cry out your grievances, it's your grandfather's fault."

Mr. Lin also squatted down and patted Miao Bamei's back lightly, with tears in his eyes.

Tang Xiaonan didn't know what to say. She stood awkwardly and stared at Lin Hua. Lin Hua thought of the girl's anger when she woke up in the morning, and the corner of her mouth twitched.

The temper is quite big, Huo Jin is afraid that he will not be a strict wife in the future, right?

Miao Bamei didn't cry for too long. After wiping away her tears, she stood up and looked embarrassed. It was the first time she cried in front of people. In front of her siblings, she was smiling.

"Sit down and talk." Tang Xiaonan said at the right time.

Aunt Yang also brewed tea, and held out a snack box containing a lot of dried fruits, such as torreya and small walnuts.

Mr. Lin asked about Father Miao's case. The more he heard, the more angry he became. He slapped heavily on the armrest of the sofa, "Lawless, Lin Hua, you can handle this yourself!"


Lin Hua respectfully responded.

Old Master Lin calmed down a little, and looked at Bamei Miao kindly, "I'll take you back to Lin's house in two days to see your grandma, as well as your parents, younger siblings, and all of them."

"Grandpa, my parents will not come to the imperial capital."

Miao Bamei refused, with a firm tone.

Not only Tang Xiaonan was surprised, but Mr. Lin was even more surprised. His expression was a little stunned, but he refused to come to the imperial capital?

"Are you blaming me?" The old man sighed.

It's also right to blame him, it's all his negligence, which has caused his own son's family to suffer.

Miao Bamei hurriedly shook her head, "No, my parents never felt that life was hard, we lived well, my dad was the principal of our village primary school, that primary school was very broken and not big, but It’s the school shared by our five stockades, and it’s the hard work of my dad and my grandfather. My dad promised my grandpa that he would guard the school for the rest of his life and ensure that the kids in the stockade go to school as much as possible.”

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