Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1702: truly noble man

Miao Bamei told the story of her grandfather, which was very long, because it was the life of an old village teacher.

Grandpa Miao was not a local. Decades ago, he and his wife and daughter came to the hometown of Eighth Sister Miao, a poor mountain village, so poor that there was no school. The couple went through hardships to set up the school.

"I heard from my grandfather that at that time there was only a brick building that would leak when it rained. There were no blackboards and chalks, and there were no desks or textbooks. The textbooks were compiled by my grandfather and grandmother. , the chalk is a lime pen made by myself, sitting on the ground without a desk..."

Miao Bamei spoke slowly, everyone was fascinated by it, and even more moved.

This is the real great gardener!

"Later, the conditions gradually improved. Several stockades raised money to build a few houses. The county education commission also sent teachers. The blackboard and chalk textbooks were all distributed, but the teachers who were sent couldn't stand it without teaching for a few months. My father was my grandfather's student, and my mother and I were childhood sweethearts, my grandfather didn't want a penny of dowry, and only asked my father to be a teacher at school."

Miao Bamei paused, a smile appeared on her face, her parents' relationship was very good, even if they had three children, they were still as loving as when they were young.

Every day when her father came home from get off work, he would pick a bunch of wild flowers on the roadside, because her mother liked flowers the most, and the flowers at home were never broken. Even in the severe winter, her father would find a way to grow cold-resistant flowers and let her mother happy.

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"My dad agreed to my grandfather. Since then, there have been no shortage of teachers in the school. My dad is in charge of the first, second and third grades, and my grandfather and grandmother are in charge of the senior grades. The school has more and more students."

Miao Bamei smiled. She was also read from that school. Although the school was very simple, there was her favorite teacher there, her dear grandparents.

"Your grandparents are amazing, I want to meet them and thank them!"

Mr. Lin's expression was very solemn. Fortunately, his son met a good teacher, married such a good daughter to his son, and gave birth to such a good granddaughter. This couple is Lin Yi's benefactor.

Miao Bamei's expression became gloomy, "Grandpa and grandma have both passed away, they worked too hard, they became ill from overwork, and they had no money to see a doctor, grandma left first, and grandpa also went after two years. My dad promised grandpa that he would stay forever. Guarding the school, my dad is the most valued commitment, he will not leave there, and my mother will not leave, there are grandparents there!"

Tang Xiaonan listened with awe, but did not expect that Miao Bamei's grandfather and grandmother were such great and noble people. This is the real unsung hero, a hero who should be admired by the world.

No wonder it was possible to raise a girl with an open mind like Miao Bamei.

"Eighth sister, how is your school now? Is it still very simple?" Tang Xiaonan asked.

"It's much better than before. Of course it's not as good as the schools in the city, but it will definitely get better and better in the future." Miao Bamei is confident.

Because she will stay in the imperial capital in the future, and she will definitely earn a lot of money. She wants to fulfill the wishes of her grandparents and build a beautiful and spectacular school, a school that will not leave after the teacher comes.

Tang Xiaonan had an idea in her heart, but she didn't say it. She had to discuss it with Huo Jinzhi.

Mr. Lin stayed for a long time, and he had a lot of things to talk about with Miao Bamei. He also stayed for lunch. The flattered Aunt Yang used all her skills to cook a table of sumptuous dishes.

But the old man was not in the mood to eat. He watched his granddaughter the whole time, and he couldn't get enough of it.

After eating, the old man had to go back. Before leaving, he asked Bamei Miao to wait for his letter. It is estimated that the old man will go home to deal with Lin Ranran.

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