Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1709: 3 brothers visit

Tang Xiaonan was stunned for a moment. Who is looking for her at this time? Huo Jinzhi used to come here often. Maybe Aunt Yang came to deliver food?

She trotted down, and soon saw Tang Aijun at the gate, with sweatpants and a down jacket, a big man of about 1.9 meters, who was particularly eye-catching in the crowd.

"Third brother."

Tang Xiaonan cried out in surprise, ran faster, and rushed in front of Tang Aijun.

She thought that the third brother was going to rest for a while, so she didn't bother him.

Tang Aijun stretched out his hand to catch Tang Xiaonan, who was running over, looked at his sister with a smile, and squeezed, "It's light, I must have not eaten well."

"Nonsense, I'm all fat, why don't you rest, third brother?"

Tang Xiaonan jumped down and asked with concern.

The interaction between the two has attracted the attention of many people. It is now in the evening, and there are many people coming in and out of the dormitory gate, and now the folk customs are conservative, even couples will not be so affectionate in the public, many people are facing this way look sideways.

Someone recognized Tang Aijun and was shocked, but did not understand what the relationship between Tang Aijun and Tang Xiaonan was?

Obviously Tang Xiaonan is her fiancé, right?

Could it be that Tang Xiaonan has two boats on his feet?

Tang Xiaonan doesn't bother to care about these people. She and the third brother are making out. It's none of these people's business.

"Have you eaten yet? Let's eat outside." Tang Aijun asked.

"Just got a meal from the cafeteria."

"Don't eat, I'll treat you to eat, and your sister Fangyuan." Tang Aijun rubbed his sister's head hard, and the hand felt as good as when he was a child.

"Don't mess with my head, it's annoying."

Tang Xiaonan tilted her head impatiently, messing up her hair every time. The three brothers are all bad habits, and they hate it to death.

Tang Aijun wasn't angry either, he looked at his sister with a smile, she had grown so big, but in his heart, her sister was still the cute little dumpling she was when she was a child, how fun.

"I'm going to get my bag, wait!"

Of course, you're welcome to have a big meal for Tang Xiaonan. Her third brother has a lot of money in the private house. The team has wages, and there are bonuses for every game. Tang Aiguo uses this money to speculate in stocks, and naturally earns more.

Moreover, Tang Aijun also has shares in Huo Jinzhi's company, that is, he invested a little money in the past, Huo Jinzhi did not treat his brother badly, and gave him some shares. Today, Huo Jinzhi's company is already very large. Tang Aijun's share of dividends is enough for him to eat and drink.

That's why he can play without distractions and never worry about life.

In the dormitory, Sun Jinling was walking and eating, walked to the window, and looked out inadvertently, and saw Tang Xiaonan jumping into Tang Aijun's arms. The two looked very close. Sun Jinling, who has always liked gossip, certainly would not miss such a good opportunity. He shouted loudly, "Look, Tang Xiaonan is hugging a man."

Everyone was attracted by her cry, and went to the window to see that Tang Xiaonan had already jumped down, but she could still see that her relationship with men was very close, and she was definitely not an ordinary friend.

"Don't Tang Xiaonan have a fiancé? It seems that he has gone abroad." Mi Aiyu whispered.

"Isn't that going abroad? You can't quench your thirst from afar."

Sun Jinling said something neither yin and yang, but no one else said a word, Miao Bamei sank her face, Xin Gan also said: "Tang Xiaonan is not that kind of person, Sun Jinling, don't be yin and yang, just ask Tang Xiaonan later. What's the point of saying that?"

"Why am I so weird, you didn't see it just now, and the man hugged so tightly in public, anyone who saw it would think about it." Sun Jinling was even more sarcastic.

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